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  • 2nd Grade Supply List

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  • Please sign  your childs agenda each night.

    This is our daily Parent/Teacher contact.

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    Please allow your child to go on  the Iready.  Students need to complete 6 or more lessons  a week in each subject.

    The lessons are designed for each individual. Improvement will happen if your child pays attention while working on each lesson. Please monitor your child while working on the lessons. It will work if we work it!!!!!

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  •    Our goal for Second grade is for each individual

    student to have an on grade level or above lexile by the

    end of this grade.

       We get library books to read on a  weekly basis.

    Please allow students to read at home to you.

    Reading their books over and over will help your

    child improve their lexile score.


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  • 1.樱花动漫work is given each night Monday - Friday

    2.Agenda should be signed by a parent each night( Monday -Friday).

    3.Read sight words to parent each night.

    4.Complete Math sheet Nightly.(not Friday)

    5.Read library books to family.

    6.Complete 6 or more IREADY Math/Reading lessons per week.( Make sure your child is successfully doing the lesson.) IREADY will let you know after every lesson.

    7.Read books on MYON daily.

    8.Practice handwriting with your child each night. This can be done by making sure your child is writing their name, date and legibly completing the assignment.

    9.No Spelling Test this year/Vocabulary will be studied in class.







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