Welcome to C. T. Walker's School Counseling Department!
The role of the Professional School Counselor is to act as an advocate for our students who may have social or emotional situations that make their academic learning more difficult. We work in individual, one on one situations or in small groups and by going into classrooms, teaching skills that will help our students be caring adults and good citizens. We help with transitions to middle school. The School Counseling Department coordinates a field trip for our students to see other magnet schools in Richmond County. School Counselors attend Response to Intervention (RTI) and parent meetings. School Counselors also coordinate Red Ribbon Week and Career Days as well a facilitate the teaching of Child Safety Matters, a program designed to teach children what to do to stay safe.
The mission of the Richmond County School Counseling Program is to facilitate the development of individuals who are successful learners and have the skills necessary to thrive in the everyday world by providing all students appropriate, data-driven interventions focusing on academic achievement, career exploration and social/emotional growth.
The vision of the Richmond County School Counseling Program is that all students experience academic success to their greatest individual degree and graduate college and career ready with a plan and the skills necessary to fulfill their post-secondary goals. Students feel safe, accepted, challenged, and encouraged while enrolled in school and into adulthood. The comprehensive, developmental curriculum provided through this program is designed to meet identified needs of students in grades pre-K through 12.
Other links that may be of interest:
September is Suicide Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
The main goal of the Guidance Department is to support all of our students as they work to achieve their goals. We follow the mission statement of the school in that we want to empower students to become confident, self-directed, cooperative, lifelong learners and leaders. We also want to expose students to diverse settings that promote understanding of various cultures.
Name Mrs. Laurie MontgomeryTitle: Professional School CounselorPhone: 706-823-6950 Ext. 4859Email: montgla@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Name: Melody MaysTitle: Administrative AssistantPhone: 706-823-6950 Extension 4866Email: MaysMe@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us