Purchasing and Inventory Control

Budget and Finance Department

  • Please visit Budget & Finance for more information. 

    Suzanne Lentz, Director of Budget and Finance 
    Pam Leverette, Procurement Manager
    Lisa Ramsey, Procurement and Capital Assets Sr. Accountant
    Pat Adams, Procurement Specialist

  • procurement


    Purchasing and Inventory Control is divided into several functional areas:  Electronic Procurement, Capital Assets, On-Line Auction, Major Contracts, Vendor Relations, Property Inventory and Standards & Specifications.  Purchasing and Inventory Control is also responsible for the Parts Department located at Transportation.


    The primary goals of the Purchasing and Inventory Control are the prudent spending of public funds by open and competitive purchasing, prompt, effective, and economical services to departments and vendors, impartiality in awards, high ethical standards in all business dealings and obtaining the maximum value for every dollar spent.




                                             American Purchasing Society  

    The American Purchasing Society is a professional association of buyers and purchasing managers. 

    It was the first organization to establish certification for buyers and purchasing professionals.



    Building a world-class school system through education, collaboration and innovation.
