Welcome to All 4th Grade Students and Their Parents/Guardians!!
The 4th grade teachers would like to welcome all of you to the 2024-2025 school year!!! We have a lot of work to do this year, but we are sure that all students are ready for the FUN and the CHALLENGE.
We are so excited to begin this new chapter of learning and exploration as this school year begins, and we look forward to many wonderful and great things from our students. Our goal this year is “Practice DOES NOT MAKE Perfection. Practice DOES MAKE Progression. Progression = Achievement and Success.” Our vision for all 4th grade students is to provide high quality and equitable learning experiences in all core content areas in a safe and respectful environment that fosters success for all students. We are committed to building relationships with our students that encourage active participation in the classroom environment for success, assisting students in making good choices and decisions, building student confidence, and striving for excellence at all times.
We are committed to making this an outstanding year for our students, our parents/guardians, and our school. Again, our 4th grade students will be challenged this year academically to become critical thinkers, fluent readers and writers, mathematicians, scientists, and historians. We are here to help our students begin to become more independent and discover their diverse and unique personalities. Please feel free to contact any of us at any time at (706) 737 - 7266 or via email with any questions or concerns. Teacher informational packets will be sent home during the week of August 5, 2024, for parents/guardians to review and there will be forms that need to be signed and returned as soon as possible along with each 4th grade teacher’s contact information.
Here’s to a wonderful school year!
Schedule8:00-8:20AM: Breakfast and SEL8:20-8:35AM: Fluency 158:40-9:25AM: Specials9:25-10:10AM: Science (Block 1)10:10-11:25AM: Math (Block 1)11:25-11:40AM: Recess11:45AM-12:15PM: Lunch12:15-1:30PM: Math (Block 2)1:30-2:15PM: Science (Block 2)2:15PM-2:45PM: Intervention/ Personalized Learning2:45-3:05PM: Sustained Silent Reading3:05PM: Dismissal
Welcome to 4th Grade!!Sharon GriffinEmail: griffsh1@boe.richmond.k12.ga.usTelephone: 706-737-7266Grade(s): 4Subject(s): Math and Science