• Volunteer2



     Volunteer Clearance Process:


    All individuals not 樱花动漫 employees wishing to volunteer in the Richmond County School System must complete a criminal history background check - no exceptions.


    Contact must be made with Mrs. Douglas for specific details, but the process for Volunteer prospects consists of five steps:


    1. Take the online "Mandated Reporter" class & print out your certificate.  If you don't have a printer, you can log into your account at the school to print your certificate,  or email it to Mrs. Douglas at douglca@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us. 
    2. *This course must be completed BEFORE your training at the school and you must have your certificate.
    3. The link is: Mandated Reporter Training Info & Link
    4. Undergo the "Volunteer Training Class" at the school where you wish to volunteer.  
    5. View the Volunteer Guidelines to the left to determine which level you would like to volunteer: Level 1, 2 or 3.  Fill out the GCIC Inquiry form for the criminal background check & the Statement of Confidentiality with the volunteer trainer during the Volunteer Training Class.


    Prospective volunteers should be advised The GCIC Inquiry and Fingerprint processing time can be 7-10 business days.


    • Your completed packet is then sent to the Parent & Family Engagement Specialist, Sonia D. England, who then forwards the forms to the Department of School Safety for the criminal background check. 
    • Upon approval, our Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Douglas receives an email of your clearance.
    • Mrs. Douglas will notify you, the applicant, of your clearance status.
    • Mrs. Douglas will distribute your Volunteer ID cards. 

    The Parent & Family Engagement Specialist - Sonia England (englaso@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us).


     "Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."       

    Author unknown...


    For further information, contact Mrs. Douglas. 

    (706) 737-7317 ext. 4662