WAG 12

WAG Week 32

  •                (Week 32)  11 Mar 2025  – 14 Mar 2025

                                                                ARC HIGH SCHOOL – Weekly Plan to Align Lessons (Week at a Glance) 2024-2025

                                                           WAG Teacher: MSG Ward   Subject: JROTC Course: LET I & IV Grade: 9th & 12th

    Standard: (Week 32)

    Unit 2- Lesson 6 Studying & test taking  (U1C2l6) GPA-ALE1-7

    Unit 4- CAPSTONE  (U4C5l2) GPA- ALE4


    Learning Target



    Criteria for Success



    (Include at least one/two Formatives*in any part of the lesson as needed)


    Asynchronous Learning 

    No students

    LET I’s: Cadets will complete page 159 in WB exercise#!- M weekly schedule & answer 1-3 questions. 


    LET IV’s:  Submit Current Event" Summary of my journey in JROTC" as you prepare for your Capstone project

    Roll, Cadet Creed, Battalion Motto, Review Company Motto


    LET I Quick Write: Cadets will analyze the importance of reading.                                    


     In Unit 2 textbook, refresh Reading for studyng and test taking lesson pg. 158-175 


     EXIT TICKET: Turn in Exercise #1 from WB.


    LET IV: Each cadet will summarize journey from their last 3 years in JROTC, in such a way to prepare for CAPSTONE Project.




    LET I

     ☐ Demonstrate effective study habits

    ☐ Demonstrate effective textbook reading strategies

    ☐Explain effective strategies for test preparation and test taking. 

    Complete and turn in keywords' abbreviations, association, critical thinking, efficiently, notehand, objective questions, preview, qualifier, retention, review, subjective questions, test anxiety.


    LET IV's

    ☐ Explain why economic instability can pose a threat to democracy and citizen rights.

    ☐ Do you share as a good citizen i your school, community, country, and the world?

     ☐ Key Words: automation, cyberattack, infrastructure, instability, social chohesion


    Tool(s) for Success Criteria:





    Peer Assessment


    Other: _______________





    LET I will describe affective study habits


    LET IV’s will submit current event.

    Roll, Cadet Creed, Battalion Motto, Review Company Motto



    LET I's: Cadets demonstrate affective textbook reading strategies, and analyze note taking strategies


     LET IVs will submit their current event. 



    I will execute preparatory exercises and be prepared to practice the curl-up, partial curl-up and other abdominal exercises in preparation for the Cadet Challenge. 

    Roll, Cadet Creed, Battalion Motto, Review -Company Motto


    Cadet squad leaders will work with LET 2;s in the buddy carry ( first aid classes)


    All Cadets:NO UNIFORM WEAR 

    (LAB for first aid)

    Roll, Cadet Creed, Battalion Motto, Review Company Motto


    LET 1's will work in lab with LET 2

    LET IV's will assist in lab for LET 2's


    LET IV: Test Fundamental Principles

    All Cadets: I will demonstrate mastery of the open rank march.

    Roll, Cadet Creed, Battalion Motto, Review Company Motto


    Drill outside on Pad

    Staff meeting for Leaders 


    Formatives *  Exit Ticket/Final Stretch Check    Quick Write     Dry Erase Boards – quick checks   Think-Pair-Share 

     Literacy Strategies Anticipation Guide Extended Writing Socratic Seminar Jigsaw Thinking Maps