  • Text Box: Room 707Syllabus for Health Education (Grades 9-12)

    Course Description:

    This course aims to provide high school students with comprehensive health knowledge and skills. Students will engage in activities that promote personal, family, and community health, and will practice health-enhancing behaviors throughout their lives.

    Course Objectives:

    • Analyze influences on health behaviors
    • Access and evaluate health information
    • Use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health
    • Make informed health-related decisions
    • Set personal health goals
    • Practice health-enhancing behaviors
    • Advocate for personal, family, and community health

    Units and Topics:

    First Semester

    1. Unit 1: Let's Look! Analyzing Influences for Health
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology on health behaviors; internal and external factors affecting health practices.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (a, c, d, e, g, h, i), HEHS.2 (a, c, d, g)
    2. Unit 2: Let's Explore! Accessing Health Information
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Accessing valid health information and products; evaluating health information for prevention and treatment of health issues.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (a, d, f), HEHS.3 (a, b, c)
    3. Unit 3: Let's Talk! Communication for Health
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Effective communication to enhance health; preventing violence through communication.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (c, e, k, l, o, p, q, r), HEHS.4 (a, b, c)
    4. Unit 4: Let's Choose! Making Healthy Decisions
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Decision-making for healthy relationships and family living; analyzing family influences on health.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (c, d), HEHS.5 (a, c, f, g, h)
    5. Unit 5: Let's Commit! Setting Goals for Health
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Goal-setting for healthy eating; analyzing influences on eating habits.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (a, c, e, g, i), HEHS.6 (a, b, c, d)
    6. Unit 6: Let's Go! Practicing Health
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Practicing health-enhancing behaviors to prevent injuries and diseases; modeling safe behaviors.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (a, b, e, f, g, h, i, j, m), HEHS.7 (a, b, c)
    7. Unit 7: Let's Promote! Advocating for Health
      • Duration: 6-10 Lessons
      • Key Concepts: Advocating for mental and emotional health; creating health messages for the community.
      • Standards: HEHS.1 (a, b, c, k, n), HEHS.8 (a, b, d, e)

    End-of-Course (EOC) Review:

    • Duration: 2 Weeks
    • Key Concepts: Review of core health concepts, influences on health, accessing information, communication, decision-making, goal-setting, practicing health, and advocacy.


    Assessment Methods:

    • Quizzes and tests
    • Group projects and presentations
    • Individual assignments and essays
    • Class participation and discussions
    • Practical demonstrations of health skills

    Instructional Strategies:

    • Interactive lectures and discussions
    • Role-playing and simulations
    • Case studies and scenario analysis
    • Peer teaching and collaborative learning
    • Use of multimedia resources

    Required Materials:

    • Textbook and supplementary reading materials
    • Access to online health databases and resources
    • Classroom supplies (notebooks, pens, etc.)

    Additional Resources:

    • School and community health projects
    • Guest speakers from health professions
    • Field trips to health-related organizations

    This syllabus aligns with the Richmond County Health Education curriculum, emphasizing a skills-based instructional framework and covering key health standards and competencies鈥 (Health_9-12 Curriculum …)鈥.

    GRADING Scale for Health Education (Grades 9-12)

    Grading Components:

    • Quizzes and Tests: 30%
    • Projects and Presentations: 25%
    • Assignments and Essays: 20%
    • Class Participation and Discussions: 15%
    • Practical Demonstrations: 10%

    Grading Scale:

    • A (90-100%)
      • Demonstrates an excellent understanding of health concepts and skills.
      • Completes all assignments with high quality and accuracy.
      • Actively participate in class discussions and activities.
      • Consistently demonstrates health-enhancing behaviors and advocacy.
    • B (80-89%)
      • Demonstrates a good understanding of health concepts and skills.
      • Completes most assignments accurately and with good quality.
      • Participates regularly in class discussions and activities.
      • Often demonstrates health-enhancing behaviors and advocacy.
    • C (70-79%)
      • Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of health concepts and skills.
      • Completes assignments with some errors or omissions.
      • Participate occasionally in class discussions and activities.
      • Demonstrates health-enhancing behaviors and advocacy with some guidance.
    • D (60-69%)
      • Demonstrates a limited understanding of health concepts and skills.
      • Completes assignments with frequent errors or omissions.
      • Rarely participate in class discussions and activities.
      • Infrequently demonstrates health-enhancing behaviors and advocacy.
    • F (0-59%)
      • Demonstrates minimal or no understanding of health concepts and skills.
      • Fails to complete assignments or submit work of poor quality.
      • Does not participate in class discussions and activities.
      • Does not demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors and advocacy.

    GRADING - Alignment with Curriculum Map

    The curriculum map emphasizes a skills-based instructional framework and progression from knowledge to application. The grading components and scale ensure that students are assessed on their understanding and application of health concepts and skills. Here’s how the grading components align with the curriculum map:

    Quizzes and Tests (30%)

    • Unit Assessments: Covering key concepts and standards for each unit (e.g., analyzing influences, accessing information, communication, decision-making).

    Projects and Presentations (25%)

    • Unit Projects: Allowing students to apply what they’ve learned in practical and creative ways (e.g., advocating for mental and emotional health, setting goals for healthy eating).

    Assignments and Essays (20%)

    • Daily Assignments: Reinforcing knowledge and skills from each lesson (e.g., analyzing influences on health behaviors, accessing valid health information).

    Class Participation and Discussions (15%)

    • Active Participation: Encouraging engagement with peers and instructors to deepen understanding and practice communication skills.

    Practical Demonstrations (10%)

    • Skill Demonstrations: Assessing students’ ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and safety (e.g., practicing safe behaviors, communicating to prevent violence).

    This grading scale and alignment with the Richmond curriculum map ensure a comprehensive and fair assessment of students’ knowledge and skills in health education.


    Health Syllabus