Cell Phone Policy
•Beepers and phones may not be brought into the school building or used on campus during regular school hours. They may be left in the student’s automobile. Beepers and phones may not be possessed on school buses enroute to or from school for regular school hours. Phones may be allowed on extracurricular field trips for the sole and singular purpose of allowing the student to notify a parent or guardian as to any emergency or to arrival times and places.•Beepers and phones which are taken when a student fails to follow this policy shall be promptly labeled with the owner's name, the serial number, the name of the school, and the date the beeper and/or phone was confiscated. In the event that a beeper or phone is taken in accordance with this policy and is subsequently lost while in the school’s possession, the school nor the system will be responsible for such loss. The student shall receive a receipt and the following procedures shall apply to beepers and phones.
First Offense: After being taken upon a first offense, any beeper or cell/mobile phone will be kept at the school for thirty (30) calendar days. Upon expiration of the thirty (30) calendar days, the Parent/Guardian of the student will have three (3) school days to pick up the beeper or cell phone with proper ownership documentation. After the expiration of such three (3) schools days, any beeper or cell/mobile phone shall be donated to a charitable organization, recycled or discarded without further notice to the parent or guardian.
Second Offense: After a 2nd violation of the policy by a student, any beeper or cell/mobile phone will be held at the school for sixty (60) calendar days from the date of taking; after such sixty (60) day period the Parent/Guardian of the student will have ten calendar (10) days to pick-up the beeper or cell phone at the school with proper ownership documentation. At the end of the ten (10) day pick-up period (71st calendar day) any beeper or cell/mobile phone will be donated to a charitable organization, recycled or discarded without further notice to the parent or guardian.
Third Offense: After a 3rd violation of the policy by a student, any beeper or cell/mobile phone will be donated immediately to a charitable organization, recycled or discarded without further notice to the parent or guardian.
When parents or guardians reclaim the beeper or phone, they shall sign a receipt acknowledging that they understand it is against board policy for the beeper or phone to be brought to school. Additionally, where there is reasonable suspicion that a phone or other communication device has been used in the violation of school rules or regulations, the school official can review the contents of the phone or device. This policy, except as noted above, is in effect while students are: (a.) On the school grounds at any time; (b.) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event; (c.) En route to and from school, including, but not limited to, the school bus and the school bus stop. In addition to other consequences, the school administrator is authorized to assign additional discipline as warranted by the circumstances, to include, but not be limited to, In School Suspension and Tribunal Referral.
(a) Incite, advise, urge, encourage, or counsel other students or persons to violate any of the preceding paragraphs of this rule or any other rule of this Code of Conduct