Glenn Hills High School
Welcome to 10th Grade Literature and Composition.
Tenth Grade Literature and Composition focuses on the study of literary genres and informational texts; the students develop an understanding that the theme is what relates literature to life and that themes are recurring in the literary world. The students explore the effect of themes in regard to interpretation. The students will read across the curriculum to develop academic and personal interests in different subjects. While the focus is writing arguments in tenth grade literature, the student will also demonstrate competency in informative/expository and narrative writing genres. The student will engage in research, timed writing, and the writing process. Instructions in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking, rather than in isolation. The students demonstrate an understanding of speaking and listening for a variety of purposes.
Instructional Philosophy: To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students must read widely and deeply from among a broad range of high-quality, increasingly challenging literary and informational texts. Through extensive reading of stories, dramas, poems, and myths from diverse cultures and different time periods, students gain literary and cultural knowledge as well as familiarity with various text structures and elements. This course is a graduation requirement.
Major Course Goals: Throughout the year we will review the following basic skills to improve performance at the high school level: organization, test-taking techniques, listening skills, effective study habits, goal setting, time management, note-taking, learning styles, and attitudes/behaviors of an active learner.
We will follow a Standards-based classroom and adhere to the 10th grade curriculum map to prepare you for eleventh grade. Our learning focus will target the analysis of literary and informational texts as well as producing effective writing that is explanatory, informative, and argumentative in style, content, and format.
Major Course Projects & Instructional Activities: Assignments include the following: Daily classwork and homework, quizzes, tests, writing assignments, independent work using the computer, projects (individual and group), oral presentations, and reports (oral and written).
Course Assessment Plan:
Assessments will assess students' ability to analyze literary and informational text, produce effective writing that is explanatory, informative, and argumentative in style, content, and format. Students will complete Performance Tasks, MAP assessments, and multiple research and writing tasks throughout the span of the course.
Units of Instruction
Unit 1: Central Ideas
Unit 2: Development of Characters/Ideas
Unit 3: Author’s Choices
Unit 4: Development of Characters/Ideas
Unit 5: Point of View
Unit 6: Text Analysis
Classroom Expectations: The discipline policy of the Richmond County School System will be followed. I will not accept any class disruptions, disrespect for myself or others in the class.
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Teacher – student mini conference
3rd Offense: Verbal warning and parent/guardian contact
4th Offense: Guidance/ Administration referral
Supplies and Materials needed:
Richmond County Text for class:
Section in a Binder
Loose leaf paper
Pens (Black or blue ink only)
Highlighter/ colored ink pens
Missed Assignments/tests:
If you are absent from class, no matter why, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see me for notes, assignments, etc. on your own time, not during class time, unless something you need from me is required that day for class. Also, if you miss a test or quiz on that day, it is your responsibility to make an after-school appointment with me to make it up-in five days.
Grade Distribution
Major: 40%
Minor: 60%
Total :100%
Richmond County Grading Policy
90-100 A
80-89 B
75-79 C
70-74 D
69 & below F
SYLLABUS AGREEMENT Tenth Grade English Literature & Composition.
Dear parents/ guardians and students,
To ensure the success of our students, please read the information on this syllabus carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at any time. Please include a way that I may contact you so that we may have open communication.
Student Name (please print) __________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________ Class Period ____________
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature
______________________________ ______________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number E-mail Address
_________________________ ________________________________
Teacher: Mrs. Sophy Peter
E-Mail: peterso@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Phone Number: 706-796-4924
Glenn Hills High School
2840 Glenn Hills Drive, Augusta, GA 30906
Phone: 706-796-4924|