All work is graded with either a rubric or a checklist and students are allowed to resubmit daily work as many times as is required in order to have a passing grade. Per Board Policy, major category work such as tests and projects may be retaken or resubmitted once. (Note: while minor grades can be taken home for completion, major grades require the student to see me for tutoring as they do not leave my class to avoid plagiarism issues.
I leave my work open in CANVAS for a full month for students to complete after it is due for extreme circumstances such as hospital stays or other extenuating circumstances. All other students will follow the BOE late policy.
Tutoring typically takes place in my class after school on Tuesdays and Fridays regularly. I am available other days irregularly. Students need to see me twenty-four hours in advance to make sure that I am available on the day they want tutoring.
Student/Teacher Action Form
Student Name: ______________________________________
Period: ______
Assessment/Assignment Needing to Redo: ________________________________________
Original Grade on Assessment/Assignment: ________
To redo/retake this assessment/assignment, you must complete the following steps:
1. Make sure ALL work is complete leading up to the assignment or assessment.
Student Signature and Date Parent Signature and Date
_______________________________ _______________________________