•             About the Classroom

    I am a firm believer in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.  All the students are smart in my classroom. Students learn and receive information taught to them in several different ways, but there is always one way that works best for each student. I aim to meet the learning styles of my students, whether it is through music, movement, logic, collaboration, and much more. My main goal is to meet the needs of all students that are in my classroom. 

    A lot of Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory is implemented in my classroom. Before I expect a student to perform a task, there is a lot of scaffolding taking place inside the classroom. Scaffolding consists of having visual aids in the classroom, tapping into prior knowledge, and much more. There is also a lot of collaborative discussion going on among peers in the classroom. I believe that children should have the opportunity to discuss and reflect with their peers. Most importantly, there is adult guidance inside the classroom. I strive to give 100% support to the students in the classroom. When I am with a small group, she assists the others who are working independently on tasks.  


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    There is also the use of technology and games present in my classroom to meet the needs of my students. The games that students play is educational and sometimes collaborative. We also have a classroom set of tablets for students to use whenever they would like to read. Some students prefer physical books, and some students prefer digital books.  


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    Flexible seating is present in my classroom. Students are allowed to stand up during lessons or work sessions. We have two yoga mats in the classroom, for the students to use as they complete their work. There are six laptop trays in the classroom, for students to use also as they complete their work. I have four green bounce balls at the back of the classroom on the kidney table. By the end of the school year, I plan to have more options for my students.