Welcome to Mrs. Bushnoe’s Kindergarten Class
Welcome to Hephzibah Elementary! I want to warmly welcome you to Kindergarten! We are an authorized IB school for the Primary Years Program. To find out more information about IB you can visit our website. We are very excited to meet you and work with your child this year. This year may be filled with many unknowns however, we would like to make it as normal as possible. Throughout the year we will have scheduled conferences to meet with you. If we can not meet in person we will be able to schedule a meeting via zoom.
I am sure that you have many questions so I will provide as much information as possible in this letter; however, please feel free to contact me at any time with the information below should you ever have questions or need clarification:
BushnKa@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us or on Class Dojo (Class dojo will be the main source of communication and will also be used to record your child’s behavior throughout the day)
Our daily schedule consists of: Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science/Health, Specials, Recess, and Lunch. Below I have listed expectations and requirements for this school year’s:
Attendance: Attendance is required in kindergarten and is very important in your child’s ability to learn. School begins promptly at 8:15, please arrive on time so students are not marked tardy. If your student must be absent from school please follow the curriculum on Canvas so that they do not fall behind. Please send a note every time that your child is out of school or tardy. We are required to turn these in to our school data director. Please refer to the student code of conduct for more information on the attendance policy.
Virtual Learning: In the event that we have to go virtual this year we have a plan in place. Students will complete virtual learning through the Canvas APP that has been loaded onto their launchpad. This APP will consist of teaching videos and assignments for the students to complete. There will also be zoom meetings scheduled to help keep the students on track.
Behavior: In our classroom we use class DOJO to track behavior and to communicate with parents. Please make sure to sign up for class DOJO using the directions given. Students can earn DOJO bucks every month based on the number of positive DOJO points they receive. Students can then use the DOJO bucks to purchase items from the DOJO store such as toys, candy or lunch with your favorite teacher.
dzɴǰ:&Բ;ӣwork is very important. Students will be given a monthly homework calendar beginning the 2nd week of school. Students are expected to complete their homework every night to reinforce learning.
Field Trips: At this time we are not allowed to take any field trips this year.
Grades: In kindergarten, we have standards that must adhere to Georgia State laws. In Georgia, we also use GKIDS (based on these standards), as a means to show how your child is progressing, and i-ready. We are including a syllabus that shows you what your child is expected to learn this year, in kindergarten. We do not give numerical grades. Your child’s report card, which will be sent home every nine weeks will reflect stand based grading. You can find more information on this by visiting the Richmond County Board of Education website.
Folders: This is our daily means of communication. Folders should be checked daily. Please write any notes or comments that you want me to see, directly in your child’s folder. The folders will have a list of sight words for the year, a homework sheet, all passwords that will be needed for students to get on the computer for RCCS Launchpad, Canvas, iReady, and any important Information that needs to be sent home. Folders are turned in and checked daily.
Signed Papers: We will send home papers every 2 weeks to be reviewed, signed and returned by Friday of the same week. This is so that you will be aware of how your child is progressing. You will also be able to track your student’s progress by signing up for infinite campus. Your child is very precious to us. Please know that we will do all that we can to make this a very successful and happy school year for your child. If you leave messages at the school, we will call you back. You may also reach us at the emails below or via class DOJO. You can also visit our Hephzibah Elementary School website.
Thank- you,
Mrs. Bushnoe