• Hello, 

    My name is Ms. Judith Varner and this is my 12th year teaching. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, first-grade, second grade, and did EIP K-2. I have a Bachelor of Education- Early Childhood, Master of Education- Curriculum and Instruction, and a Specialist in Education in Reading, Literacy, and Assessment. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. I have traveled to Rome, Italy, and England to study abroad. I have 3 brothers, 2 nephews, and 3 nieces. I have a cat named Loki and an Old English Bulldog named Chewy.  I LOVE DISNEY!!




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Class rules
    Learning time
    Name: Judith Varner
    Email: varneju@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
    Phone" 706-823-6928
    Grade(s): 3rd
    Subject(s): all subjects