• Dear Parents,
    We are embracing for a situation that we have never experienced before. I can imagine there is much confusion of how this process is going to work. Please see below for information on how to keep your student’s education on track during this distance learning period.

    Student’s will be expected to complete all daily work including their worksheet packet and assigned iReady lessons. All work will be collected and graded when school resumes.

    Students will be provided a folder containing 10 days’ worth of schoolwork for all subjects (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies). Language Arts or ELA is broken into three parts: reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. Students may work at their own pace; however, we have included a calendar that they may follow to stay on track and not wait until the last minute to get everything done.


    Distance Learning Work Calendar   



    May 4-8 Lessons



    April 27 - May 1 Lessons



    April 20-24 Lessons 



    April 13-17 Lessons - This document can be printed OR downloaded on any device for use; but students do not need to print the file.  They can complete the work on notebook paper.  


    March 30-April 3 Lessons (*powerpoint mentioned in Dojo*) - Work at your own pace. I put in Monday-Friday work to give it structure. If it is still too much for your child, save some of the material for later.

     Student Packet for March 30 - April 3 (these worksheets go with the lessons above)


    March 23-27 Lessons (*updated 3/23/2020*) <-- This is the powerpoint discussed in the announcements 

    Classroom Code: 8E2464 <--- class code for Monday's science


    Additional ELA Work *Just In Case This Lasts More Than 2 Weeks*


    Math Distance Learning Packet         ELA Distance Learning Assignments        Reading Choice Board       


    Social Studies Distance Learning Packet 

    *The foldables that were sent home can be found on their launchpad under studies weekly*         


    Science Distance Learning Packet         Guidance Distance Learning Assignments


    Music Distance Learning Packet         Art Distance Learning Packet


    RCBOE Link for Distance Learning Information: www.rcboe.org/distancelearning

    Students will have access to and need to use their Launchpad portal for this distance learning period. All students should know their Launchpad login information (username and password). If for some reason your student cannot get logged in, please contact me.

    Please have your students use their provided online tools as much as possible in order to stay on track. Comcast has set up free internet if needed. You can contact the company directly.

    During this distance learning time, I will be available during regular school hours Monday thru Friday 8AM-4PM. Please add yourself to the Class Dojo app if you are not already a part of my class. I have text you an invite to join if you have not already joined. This will be the best point of contact for me during this time.

    You can also email me at dixonro@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us

    I will update my school webpage weekly with assignments and announcements.
    I plan on contacting parents and students to check in during this time.

    Mrs. Dixon