George Phineas Butler

    George Phineas Butler
    George Phineas Butler - Born Jan. 30, 1875.
    Graduated from ARC, 1891.
    College- University of Georgia. Graduated with a Bachelor’s in Engineering in 1894.

    Taught math at GA for 1 year, 1894-1895.
    Assistant principal, Athens H.S., 1894-1985.
    Graduate instructor, University of North Carolina, 1895-1898.
    In 1898, returned to ARC to revive the military department, which had been defunct since 1888.
    His title of “Major” came from his leadership of the military department.
    Became principal at ARC in 1910.
    Wife Livy died in 1910.
    In1925, became president of the two-year junior college that is now ASU. “Father of the Junior College”.
    Resigned from the presidency of the Junior College, May 10, 1930. Married June Rainsford.

    Received Master’s Degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1932.
    Died of a heart attack November 17, 1933.
    Augusta Chronicle wrote “He had left no other monument than the Junior College of Augusta, Augusta posterity could say that he wrought well.”

    School History, Butler H.S. researched by Ed Damon
    Created on 9/29/2008 - Last updated on 10/4/2013