

Degrees and Certifications:

Social Studies Syllabus

Dorothy Hains Elementary School

1820 Windsor Spring Road

Augusta, Ga 30906

Ms. Armour-Barber


5th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Planning Time: 9:40-10:20


Course Description Social Studies:

In the fifth grade, students are in the final year of a three-year study of United States history, in which all four strands-history, geography, civics/government, and economics are integrated. Students begin the year by learning about the growth of 19th-century industry and innovation in the United States and culminate their study with the events and impact of September 11, 2001. The geography segment emphasizes the influence of geography on U.S. history during these time periods. In the civics/government strand, students learn about the rights of citizens contained within the Constitution and how changes have been made over time to protect those rights. In the economics branch, students explore how consumers and producers have interacted in the American economy.

              Curriculum Map

Unit 1: Connecting Themes

Unit 2: Citizenship, Business, and the Government

Unit 3: Bigger, Better, Faster: The Changing Nation

Unit 4: War and Prosperity: World War I and the 1920s

Unit 5: The Great Depression and the New Deal

Unit 6: Another World War

Unit 7: War Turns Cold

Unit 8: Civil Rights Address Civil Wrongs

Unit 9: United States from 1975 to the Digital Age

Unit 10: Building a Budget


Connecting Themes & Enduring Understandings for Social Studies

Students should be able to demonstrate understanding of selected themes using knowledge and skills acquired during the school year. Understanding of these themes is not the end product of a single unit or lesson, but the product of long-term, ongoing instruction. The bold terms represent the connecting themes that appear in multiple units throughout this course. Enduring understandings extend beyond individual units and courses, enhancing students' comprehension and retention of knowledge.

• Beliefs and Ideals: The student will understand that the beliefs and ideals of a society influence the social, political, and economic decisions of that society.
• Conflict and Change: The student will understand that when there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.
• Conflict Resolution: The student will understand that societies resolve conflicts through legal procedures, force, and/or compromise.
• Culture: The student will understand that the culture of a society is the product of the religion, beliefs, customs, traditions, and government of that society.
• Distribution of Power: The student will understand that distribution of power in government is a product of existing documents and laws combined with contemporary values and beliefs.
• Gain from Trade: The student will understand that parties trade voluntarily when they expect to gain.
• Governance: The student will understand that as a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases.
• Human Environmental Interaction: The student will understand that humans, their society, and the environment affect each other.
• Individuals, Groups, Institutions: The student will understand that the actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.
• Incentives: The student will understand that parties respond predictably to positive and negative incentives.
Interdependency: The student will understand that, because of interdependency, a decision made by one party has intended and unintended consequences on other parties.
• Location: The student will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.
• Movement/Migration: The student will understand that the movement or migration of people and ideas affects all societies involved.
• Production, Distribution, Consumption: The student will understand that the production, distribution, and consumption of goods/services produced by the society are affected by the location, customs, beliefs, and laws of the society.
• Rule of Law: The student will understand that in a democracy, the rule of law influences the behavior of citizens, establishes procedures for making policies, and limits the power of government.
• Scarcity: The student will understand that scarcity of all resources forces parties to make choices and that these choices always incur a cost.
• Technological Innovation: The student will understand that technological innovations have consequences, both intended and unintended, for a society.
• Time, Change, Continuity: The student will understand that while change occurs over time, there is continuity to the basic structure of a society. Connecting Themes/Enduring Understandings for Social Studies

Required materials

Spiral Notebook
Loose Leaf Paper
Colored pencils or crayons

Additional Resources:

Students may use online resources to enhance the topic being discussed for homework activities and class discussions.
Library books and pamphlets

Policies and Procedures

Classroom Expectations

1. Listen and follow directions.

2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Respect your teacher and classmates.

5. No name-calling, bullying, teasing or using profane language.

Students will be given homework on a weekly basis. All homework is due on Fridays and is 25% of the grade out of 100% points.




Degrees and Certifications:

Science Syllabus


Dorothy Hains Elementary School

1820 Windsor Spring Road

Augusta, GA 30906

Ms. Armour-Barber


5th Grade Science Syllabus

Planning Time: 9:40-10:20


Course Description Science:

In science class, students will be engaged in learning and immersed in hands-on science labs and activities.  To help reinforce science concepts, vocabulary, and skills, students will experiment using a variety of lab equipment and materials.  Six major units of study will be covered in fifth grade science class.  These units include:  scientists in training (study of the scientific method and metric measurement), geology (rocks, minerals, and the uses of minerals), chemistry (properties of matter, mixtures, and reactions), forces (laws of motion and kinetic/potential energy), electricity (static and current, circuits, and magnets), and plants (seeds, flowers, and adaptations).  Each class will also prepare a class science fair project.

Lessons are organized into several chapters that introduce and cover:

Scientific Investigation – Students will learn the process of completing scientific investigations. Lessons reinforce the steps in the scientific method through assignments on research, investigation, conducting experiments, collecting data, recording observations, using control groups, and creating time lines.

Changes in Matter – Teaches the relating of matter changes to atoms and molecules. Students identify the components of atoms, the construction of matter, and the organization of elements. The Periodic Table is presented and explained in detail.

Electricity and Matter – Lessons include in-depth study into characteristics, measurement, resistance, and safety issues of electricity. Students will also learn about the various electrical inventors.

Light – Teaches the basic characteristics of light through examining characteristics, measurement, reflections, refractions, optics, and magnifiers of light. Students are asked to experiment with the reflection and refraction of light.

Organisms – Students learn about cells and their characteristics, organisms, plants and animals, the use and parts of a microscope, and the famous cell biologist Ernest Just.

Classifying Living Things – The five major kingdoms are presented along with the methods used in classifying living things. Students are asked to identify and describe each of the five major kingdoms. A lesson on Carolus Linnaeus is also presented.

Life Cycle & Reproduction – Students examine the life cycle of a plant, the circle of life, the various parts of a plant, seeds and pollination, and the reproduction of a non-seed plant.

Weather – Teaches the various characteristics of earth’s atmosphere and weather conditions. Lessons present weather and climate, the water cycle, the layers of the atmosphere, classification of clouds, instruments used to collect weather data, developing forecasts, and a description of meteorology.

Forever Changing Earth – The Earth’s ever- changing surface is examined in detail through lessons on the layers of the earth, plate tectonics, earthquakes, major fault zones, volcanology, mountains, oceans, measuring geologic time, fossils, ice cores and tree rings, and a description of the study of geology.

Human Body – Students are taught how to identify personal interests, capabilities, and values. Lesson will also teach the student how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses in order to develop ways to maximize their strengths. Interactive lessons also teach how to recognize conditions that contribute to disease, poor nutrition, safety, poor hygiene, recognizing and dealing with stress, and how to make and keep friends.

Instructional Philosophy: I follow the belief that every child has a right to a high quality education so that he or she can be competitive in today's society.

Major Course Project & Instructional Activities: Students will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the science standards and they will complete science fair projects. Finally, students will gain the knowledge needed to score proficient or higher on the Georgia Milestones Test for 5th Grade.

Course Assessment Plan: Rubrics will be utilized during the school year to grade students’ project as well as course work. Students will be given tests week or biweekly to measure understanding as well as to monitor growth. Tests will be scheduled on Fridays. Test dates are subject to change.



Grades will be assigned as follows:                         The Richmond County Grading Scale is as follows:

Tests - 30%                                                    A – 100 - 90

Projects – 20%                                              B – 80 – 89

Quizzes – 20%                                              C – 75 – 79

Journal – 20%                                                D – 70 – 74

樱花动漫work – 20%                                          F – Below 70


Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to come to class prepared daily with paper, pencils, textbooks, binders, and homework assignments. Students are expected to come to class on time, in an orderly manner, prepared to begin their daily assignments.

樱花动漫work Policy and Grading Scale: 樱花动漫work is due the day after it is assigned. Due dates are subject to change and students will be notified of the changes.  Any student who misses an assignment due to illness or an absence will be responsible for turning in the assignment upon return to school.

Supplies and Materials Needed: Please see handout from registration.

Additional materials may be needed throughout the school year.

I look forward to working with you to have a wonderful school year!