Course Description for Leadership Education LE-I & LE-IV (9th and 12th grade)
The following is a brief course description for the Leadership Education Programs that I instruct.
LE-I: This is the initial course of Marine Corps JROTC. It includes program orientation, classroom instruction, and practical application of instructed skills. The course lays the foundations for subsequent Leadership Education courses by teaching the basics of leadership, citizenship, personal growth, appearance and responsibility, general Marine Corps knowledge, drill, and physical training. Emphasis is on introduction to leadership, citizenship, physical training and drill. Minimum performance requirements for the course are based on successful completion of competencies according to the national Marine Corps JROTC curriculum.
LE-IV: This is the fourth course of Marine Corps JROTC. The course builds on the foundations developed in level 3 and continues to introduce advanced leadership instruction with emphasis on motivation and discipline. Leadership Education courses at this level provide elevated instruction in leadership, citizenship, personal growth, appearance and responsibility, career awareness, and general military subjects. Basic instruction on military law and land navigation are also introduced. Expanded instruction on rifle safety and marksmanship techniques build on basic instruction at level 2. Physical fitness is enhanced to include planning and supervision. Minimum performance requirements for the course are based on successful completion of competencies according to the national Marine Corps JROTC curriculum.