Danita Walker, M.Ed.
Grades 9-12
Subject(s): MOID/ SPED/Functional Academics/Life Skills/ELA/Math/Social Studies/Science
Augusta State University: Bachelors Degree: Sociology/ MR
Augusta State University: Master's Degree : Intellectual Disabilities
I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I did undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University, Utah Valley State University in the early 70's. I came home to Augusta, got married and had 4 children. One of my daughters passed away so I did not go back to school until my other children were older. I ended up going back to Augusta College which turned into Augusta State where I earned my Bachelor's and Master's Degree's in Intellectual Disabilities as I have a Special neeeds child at home. I have worked at Lyndale Training Center, Josey High School, Tubman Middle and my heart lies now with Butler High School. I love working with Special Needs children and feeling their energy as they love life and love being at school and learning what ever comes their way! I have the best students and parents at Butler High School. I have been blessed throughout my teaching career with wonderful students and parents at all the schools where I have taught. I have also had wonderful administrators who have been very understanding when it comes to my students. Butler has been no exception! I have a wonderful Para Professional that has been with me for almost 14 years ( Rochelle Blount) and she is stellar Special Needs co-worker and friend!!! I have no plans to retire anytime soon and want to continue to stay at Butler High as long as Lord sees fit to keep me here!!