    General Discipline Plan for 5th Grade

    “Reaching for the Stars”

    Appropriate classroom behavior is a must for a successful learning environment.  Students are expected to behave appropriately and to follow classroom rules and procedures.  These rules are posted in the classroom or on teacher websites or are provided to parents/students.  Our expectations for all students are below.  Each student starts each semester with 100 points for their conduct grade.  Points will be deducted for each class/school rule students break.  Remaining points will be their conduct grade.


    1.  Have all appropriate materials and supplies (homework and classwork) at your table and come prepared to work hard and do your best each day.

    2.  Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in our classroom and in any room or hall at Freedom Park School.

    3.  Adjust your voice level and conversation topic to support the location and activity.

    4.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

    5.  Observe all school and classroom rules.


    Every child starts in the GREEN.  However, if a student chooses to break a rule, the below policy will apply.


    5th Grade Behavior Contract

    Student Name:_______________________________________



    ________________________________ (Student Name) will demonstrate good behaviors each day at school. ____________________________ (Student Name) is expected to follow the teacher’s directions the first time she asks him/her to do something.  He/she is expected to do so promptly and with a good attitude.  Each time that ______________________________(Student Name) does not meet these expectations, he/she will receive a mark for the day on the tracking sheet.  These marks will determine the rewards and consequences that __________________________ (Student Name) receives, as shown below.  The number of marks each week will determine the student’s conduct grade.

    Zero marks in one day=  

    One mark in one day= Student will receive a yellow mark (comment) in the agenda.

    Two marks in one day= Student will lose recess and/or silent lunch that day or the next day (depending on when the student receives the second mark).

    Three marks in one day= Student will complete a “Behavior Plan” which must be signed by a parent and returned the next day.

    Four marks in one day= Parent will be notified by phone or DOJO concerning the ongoing behavior.

    Five marks in one day= Student will be referred to the principal’s office, and parent will be asked to come I for a conference.

    We agree to the terms of this behavior contract as set forth above.


    (Teacher Signature)

    (Parent Signature)

    (Student Signature)


    Example Rewards

    --Praise (daily)

    --Positive notes home (random)

    --Whole-class indoor game time or extended recess (weekly)

    --“free computer” certificate (monthly)

    --“no homework” certificate (monthly)

    --Popcorn celebration, ice cream celebration or another activity (every 9 weeks)

    --Various other positive perks (throughout the year)

    --The joy of learning and reaching for the stars (each day of the school year)


    STUDENTS:  I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it.  I will honor it in this classroom, every other room and hall in Freedom Park School, and during activities outside the school building.


    Signature___________________________   Date______________________


    PARENTS:  My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me, I understand it and will support it.


    Signature___________________________   Date______________________


    TEACHER:  I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for my 4th grade class.

