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Rephrase prompt to simply state HOW/WHY the assumption made in the prompt engenders/brings about the readers enlightenment and/or entertainment from the text Create thesis statement by rewording what is being asked of you in the prompt (basic formula for a thesis statement is SUBJECT + 3 facts or assertions about your subject). NOTE: Steps C and D do overlap, so they can be combined! Body (Trans. phrase)Topic sentence (create this sentence by using the first fact or assertion from your thesis statement) Quote saying WHY(for what reason or purpose) or HOW (by what means; in what way)your topic sentence is valid/true Use an Addition transitional phrase Use another quote to support your topic sentence, then briefly explain it Body (Trans. phrase)Topic sentence (create this sentence by using the second fact or assertion from your thesis statement) Quote saying WHY (for what reason or purpose) or HOW (by what means; in what way) your topic sentence is valid/true Use an Addition transitional phrase Use another quote to support your topic sentence, then briefly explain it Outline for a Timed AP English Essay Body THIS IS THE WHAT IF PARAGRAPH: WHAT IF AN EDITOR WERE TO BOWDLERIZE PART OR ALL OF YOUR AFOREMENTIONED QUOTE/SCENE OR ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORK YOU ARE DISCUSSING? (Trans. phrase) Topic sentence (create this sentence by using the third fact or assertion from your thesis statement) Quote saying WHY (for what reason or purpose) or HOW (by what means; in what way) your topic sentence is valid/true State what if the quote (or a character or scene or situation or conflict in the quote) was omitted. What would be lost? How would this affect the works meaning? Use an Addition transitional phrase Knit-pick at two or three words from your quote, and say how the deletion or the changing of those words would essential Bowdlerize the meaning of the work, or corrupt the plot, thus subtracting from the readers complete entertainment and enlightenment of the work Conclusion (Trans. phrase) Restate the thesis, and say, briefly, how it engenders enlightenment and entertainment State that the works timeless appeal and value stem from its universal truth/aphorismspecify this truth/aphorism Examples of proverbs/aphorisms/universal truths: where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise genius is an infinite capacity for taking pain power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely every cock will crow upon his own dunghill discretion is the best part of valor there is a remedy for everything except death a reed before the wind lives on, while might oaks do fall a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client necessity never made a good bargain God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb  Such as To begin with, or To set the stage  Such as Moreover, Furthermore, and In addition  To add or subtract at the editors discretion  Such as In essence, More to the point, In equal importance  Such as In full light, In brief, To let fall the curtain (use this latter one ONLY with plays)     Students name: ______________________ Period: _______ AP English Literature and Composition Date: _________________________ PAGE  PAGE 1  %@Bp " % & I * Y   & 8 9 P ùïç؟×çÏÇh |hN~S5hN~ShN~S\hN~Sh!i\hN~Shn\hN~Shn5hN~Sh,\hN~ShH*\hN~Sh>*\hN~Sh\ h |\hN~ShuO\hN~ShuO5h | hN~Sh, hN~Sh whN~Sh,5 h 52&'@ 9   &  $ & Fa$gdC $ & Fa$gdN~S $ & Fa$gdN~S $ & Fa$gd | $ & Fa$gd | $ & Fa$gd, $ & Fa$gd,$a$gd,$a$gd,     & 4 5 6 E Q Z h m u v    4 d } ҽҵyqld\W hC5hN~Sho5hN~Shn\ h |\hN~Sh\hN~ShC\hN~Sh5hN~ShuO5 h |5 hN~ShN~Sh |h,56\]h | hN~Sh,hN~Sh,5jhN~Shn0JUhN~ShN~S5 hN~ShnhN~Sh,56]hN~Sh,\h |56]hN~ShN~S56]" 4 ~  p  $8^8a$gd_$a$gd $a$gd $h^ha$gd $ & Fa$gd $ & Fa$gdC $ & Fa$gd | $ & Fa$gd, $8^8a$gdn $ & Fa$gdN~S $ & Fa$gdn} ~   )01MNopwijˮzrmememhN~Sh 5 h 5hN~Sh~(55hN~ShC5 h5 hN~S5hN~Sh\ h |\hN~ShC\ hC5hN~Sh5 h |5h |h,56\]h | hN~Sh,hN~Sh,5jhN~Shn0JU hN~ShnhN~ShN~S5hN~Shn5hN~Shn\'  -0ST./0?@]eʹͫͤ~wwowojbjZjZbhN~ShC\hN~ShC5 hC5hN~Sh5r5 hN~Sh5rhCh5r h5r5hN~Shz65jh5r0JU hN~Shz6 hN~Sh_h5r5CJaJjh_0J5CJUaJh 5CJaJh_h_5CJaJ h_h_ h_5\hN~Sh5hN~Sh~(55hN~Sh 5"/Ioz{|cd $ & Fa$gdT $8^8a$gdT $ & Fa$gdT $ & Fa$gdn $ & Fa$gd, $8^8a$gdn $^a$gdz6 $ & Fa$gdz6 $ & Fa$gdC $ & Fa$gd5r  FHIPy|Qoxz{|,<EFȻȶ}x hT5hN~ShuO5 hHI5hThn\hTh5r\jh5r0JU\hN~Sh,5hN~Shn5 h5r\ h \hN~Shz65h5rhz6\h5rh5r\h5rh~(5\ h5r5hN~Sh~(55 hC5hN~ShC\ hC\/FXabcd56`a!"#Glmop KLŽŽŽŽŽ{{{{jhUhhVjhV0JUh&huO\h&h&6\]h&hX}6\] hX}\ hOR{\hX}hX}\hX}6\]hT6\]hThT6\]hThT\ hT5 hT\ h |\hThHI\06a#GoKA$a$gd, $ & Fa$gd& $ & Fa$gdTBCIJKMNTUVWXZ[\h&huO\hIJ0JmHnHu hV0JjhV0JUh hVhABKLMXYZ[\ $ & Fa$gd&h]hgd &`#$gd( ,1h/ =!"#$% ^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4@4 ,Header  !4 @4 ,Footer  !>@> n Footnote TextCJaJ@&`!@ nFootnote ReferenceH*D@2D  w Balloon TextCJOJQJaJ.)@A.  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