ࡱ> 2415@ 0xbjbj22 ( XXx 2222222FF@BBBBBB$wR f2f22{22@@<22 b @0k  k FF2222k 2@0"0L8ffFFd FF OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL RENTERS 1. Driving or parking vehicles on running tracks is prohibited. Vehicles should be parked in parking or designated areas. Vehicles parked illegally will be towed away at owners expense. 2. Tracks inside the stadiums are available for jogging use by the public. Grassed playing fields inside of these tracks are not available for public use. 3. All litter and trash should be placed in containers. 4. All groups must obtain written permission prior to the use of any school facility. Permission may be obtained from the Principal of the individual school, except use of stadiums which must be approved by the athletics consultant for the system and signed by the Superintendent and one board of education officer. Where lights have been installed by the Recreation Department, permission for the use of the lights must be obtained from the Recreation Department. 5. The Board of Education has final jurisdiction over the use of all Board of Education property. 6. The Board of Education will not accept or assume any responsibility for accidents or injuries that may occur during use of any school property. 7. All State laws, local laws or ordinances and appropriate school rules and regulations shall apply to each renter. 8. By way of specification, but not limitation, the following general rules and guidelines shall apply to each use: a. Alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed for any function on Board of Education property. b. Tobacco use shall be allowed only in designated areas and only by persons old enough by law to smoke. c. Since the facilities are school sites, no vulgar, obscene, or sexually explicit acts, language, pictures, books, records, tapes or any other similar items or events shall be allowed or promoted on school board property. In renting the premises, the promoter is agreeing that any use of the facilities shall comport to these rules and regulations; otherwise, the shows can be cancelled, stopped and the promoter prohibited from using school facilities. d. At each event the promoter shall make certain that there is adequate police and fire protection as authorized by the appropriate public safety agencies. Failure of any renter or promoter to provide for such police and fire protection shall cause the rental agreement to be declared null and void and the use of the facilities stopped or cancelled. e. The Public Safety Department of the Richmond County School System may at any time view any proposed rental of the Board property and make appropriate reports to school officials to ensure that the facilities are used in accordance with this policy and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. f. The Superintendent or his designee shall approve in advance all nonschool sponsored concerts, dances or comedy entertainment and for each such proposed rental the rental proposal shall be submitted to the central office for prior written approval. g. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Board of Education from reviewing on its own motion, any particular rental proposal. THIS POLICY SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH SHORT-TERM RENTAL CONTRACT FOR ALL SCHOOL FACILITIES AND SHALL COMPRISE A PART OF EACH SUCH CONTRACT. EACH TERM AND CONDITION HEREIN, AS APPLICABLE, SHALL BE BINDING ON THE RENTER. Revised: August 10, 2000 RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PAGE 4 89F G   k l  [ \ N O Q R UVKLWX&'pqwx !hihMChMCCJaJhMCCJaJhMChMCCJaJhMChNwCJaJhNw hNw5\P89  v <cG 7$8$H$gdNw $7$8$H$a$gdNw $7$8$H$a$gdNwxx 7$8$H$gdMCwxhMChNwCJaJhMCCJaJ&1h:pNw/ =!"#$%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No Listx  89v<c   G z 000000000000000 00000 00 0 0000x x x Q&4@TQ&@TQ&tBT   z    z Z*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceTypehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/Z*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNamehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/V*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplacehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/  z  z 3z z latoya.kelsey@outlook.com  D 3c12>MCdFBpNweBo@4px P@UnknownG>Cx Times New Roman5Symbol3& >Cx Arial"qhu9Gu9Gp&v v !24r r  3QKX)?Nw FILE DJF (CfTransportation Directorlatoya.kelsey@outlook.comOh+'0  0< X d p | FILE DJF (CfoILETransportation DirectorranranNormalrlatoya.kelsey@outlook.com.2toMicrosoft Word 10.0@F#@h@Q @Q v ՜.+,0 hp  rcboeFr A  FILE DJF (Cf Title  "#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry Fps 5Data 1TableWordDocument( SummaryInformation(!DocumentSummaryInformation8)CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q