ࡱ>  aRbjbjO O 4-a-aaJll<xS0RRRRRRR$\UXXSS2S]#]#]#nR]#R]#]#MDN&gSN&RHS0xSyN&fX)#4fXLNNfXR4]#SS]#xSfXl : MLA: In-text Citations In MLA style, an in-text citation generally consists of the author's last name and the page number of the reference. When multiple elements are used in a parenthetical citation, they are separated by a space. In all cases except for block quotations, parenthetical citations are placed immediately before the final punctuation of the sentence that cites the work. For Exact Quotes: Rule: When a quotation runs no more than four lines, put it in quotes, incorporate the author into the text, and provide the page number in a parenthetical citation. Example: "He was obeyed," writes Joseph Conrad of the company manager in Heart of Darkness, "yet he inspired neither love nor fear, nor even respect" (87). Rule: When the author's name does not appear in the signal phrase, place the author's name and the page number(s) in the parenthetical citation. Example: "If the existence of a signing ape was unsettling for linguists, it was also startling news for animal behaviorists" (Davis 26). Rule: When a quotation runs more than four lines, do not use quotation marks, but indent it one inch from the main body of your text. Double space the block quote. Incorporate the author's name or the title of the piece into a signal phrase preceding the quote. Finally, provide the page number(s) of the excerpt, in parentheses, immediately following the final punctuation of the quotation. Example: At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph and the other boys realize the horror of their actions: The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (186) For Paraphrased Ideas: Rule: When paraphrasing where the author(s) is clearly identified in your text, provide only the page number in the parenthetical citation. Example: Others, like Jakobson and Smith, hold the opinion that children who attend pre-school are better socially adjusted than those who do not (156). Rule: When paraphrasing where author(s) is not clearly identified in your text, provide author(s) and page number in the citation. Example: Between 1968 and 1988, television coverage of presidential elections changed dramatically (Hallin 5). Citing from Indirect Sources: Rule: When quoting a reference that is not originally from the source you have, after the reference use the phrase "qtd. in" (quoted in) and the author(s) of the source you have, the volume of the source (if more than one), and the page number. An indirect source may be documented in the Works Cited page. Example: Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an "extraordinary man" (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450). BOOKS [5.6] Author. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.This is the basic format for a Works Cited entry. Take the title from the title page, not the cover. The author's name should be written Last Name, First Name. One Author [5.6.1] Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993. Editor or Compiler [5.6.2] If the person named on the title page is the editor or compiler, rather than the author, add a comma then the abbreviation "ed." or "comp." Carpenter, Allan, comp. Facts About the Cities. New York: Wilson, 1992. Kreider, Jan F., ed. Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Boca Raton: CRC, 1993. Two or More Authors [5.6.4] List the names in the order they appear on the title page. Only the first author's name should be reversed: Last Name, First Name. Use a comma between the authors' names. Place a period after the last author's name. Rowe, Richard, and Larry Jeffus. The Essential Welder: Gas Metal Arc Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar, 2000. If there are more than three authors, name only the first and add et al., or give all the names. Randall, John E., Gerald R. Allen, and Roger C. Steene. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 1997. If the persons named on the title page are editors or compilers, add a comma after the final name, then the abbreviation "eds." or "comps." Clute, John, and Peter Nicholls, eds. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1993. Two or More Works by the Same Authors [5.6.3] When citing two or more sources by the same author, give the name in the first entry only. For the next entries, type three hyphens, add a period, and skip a space (---. ) then give the title. The three hyphens stand for the name(s) in the preceding entry. Scott, Susan. Exploring Hanauma Bay. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 1993. ---. Plants and Animals of Hawaii. Honolulu: Bess Press, 1991. Second or Other Edition [5.6.14] Author. Title of Book. Edition. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. If an edition is given, specify it by number (2nd ed.), name (Rev. ed.), or year (2004 ed.). Castro, Peter, and Michael E. Huber. Marine Biology. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Corporate Author [5.6.6] Cite a book by corporate author when a group such as an organization or association rather than individual persons, is the author. Accredited Standards Committee Z49. Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes. Miami: American Welding Society, 1999. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei. Honolulu: Coll. of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 2002. Government Agency as Author [5.6.21] Give the name of the government first, then the name of the agency. Hawaii. Office of the Auditor. Follow-up Audit of the Child Protective Services System. Honolulu: State of Hawaii, 2003. ESSAY, POEM, or SHORT STORY in an ANTHOLOGY [5.6.7] Author of Story. "Title of Story." Title of Book. Name of Editor. Edition (if given). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page numbers.Purcell, Arthur H. "Better Waste Management Strategies Are Needed to Avert a Garbage Crisis." Garbage and Recycling: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2003. 20-27. ENCYCLOPEDIAS and REFERENCE BOOKS [5.6.8] Author of Article (if given). "Article Title." Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.When citing familiar reference books, especially those that often appear in new editions, full publication information is not necessary. Give the edition (if available) and the year of publication. If articles are arranged alphabetically, volume and page numbers are not necessary. Lesko, Leonard H. "Pyramids." The World Book Encyclopedia. 2001. When citing less familiar reference books, give full publication information. Give the number of volumes for multi-volume sets. Fagan, Jeffrey. "Gangs and Drugs." Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior. Ed. Rosalyn Carson DeWitt. 2nd ed. 4 vols. New York: Macmillan, 2001. MAGAZINE ARTICLES [5.7.6] Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Date: Page(s).Abbreviate the months (except May, June, July). Give complete dates for magazines issued every week or every two weeks, written in this order: Day Month Year, e.g., 15 Jan. 2000 If the article is on consecutive pages, specify the page numbers of the entire article, e.g. 16-20. Give just the last two digits of the second number, when possible, e.g. 188-89, but 196-200 If the article is not on consecutive pages if, for example, it begins on page 27, then skips to page 30, and continues on page 32 write only the first page number, followed by a plus sign: 27+. Do not give volume and issue numbers for magazine articles. Dominus, Susan. "Why Pretty Isnt Pretty Enough Anymore." Glamour Jan. 2004: 136+. Talcott, Richard. "Great Comets." Astronomy May 2004: 36-41. No Author Given [5.7.9] If no author's name is given, begin with the title of the article. "Qantas Looks to Airbus for Long-Range Aircraft." Aviation Week and Space Technology 5 Apr. 2004: 22. SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ARTICLESJournal with Continuous Pagination Through the Volume [5.7.1] Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s). Davis, William D., Thomas Cleary, Michelle Donnelly, and Samuel Hellerman. "Using Sensor Signals to Analyze Fires." Fire Technology 39 (2003): 295-308. Journal with Issues Paged Separately [5.7.2] Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number. Issue number (Year): Page(s). Give both the volume and issue numbers, separated by a period. e.g. volume 12, no. 8 = 12.8 Murphy, Karen L., Roseanne DePasquale, and Erin McNamara. "Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary Classrooms." Young Children 58.6 (2003): 12-18. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES [5.7.5] Author. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date, edition: Page(s).Take the name of the newspaper from the masthead, but omit any introductory article: Honolulu Advertiser, not The Honolulu Advertiser. If the city of publication is not part of the newspaper's name, add it in square brackets: News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] Give the complete date, but not the volume and issue numbers. Specify the edition of the newspaper, if one is given on the masthead. If the article is not on consecutive pages, write the first page number and a plus sign: B1+. Daranciang, Nelson. "Sex Offender Web Site Debated." Honolulu Star-Bulletin 8 Apr. 2004, night final ed.: A3.  Magazine Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Date: Page(s). Name of Database. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Farley, Christopher John, and James Willwerth. "Dead Teen Walking." Time 19 Jan. 1998: 50+. InfoTrac OneFile Plus. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . Journal Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s). Name of Database. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Monahan, Deborah J. "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Outcomes: Implication for Social Work Practice." Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 83 (2002): 431+. Expanded Academic ASAP Plus. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . Literature Resource Center (from Gale Group)  Author. "Title of Article." Title of Source, edition (if given). Year. Literature Resource Center. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Domina, L. M. "An Overview of A Raisin in the Sun." Drama for Students. 1997. Literature Resource Center. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . Thies, Gretchen. "Rashomon: Overview." Reference Guide to Short Fiction, 1st ed. 1994. Literature Resource Center. Gale Group Databases. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . EBSCOhost  Magazine Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Date: Page(s). Name of Database. EBSCOhost. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Heyman, J.D., and Johnny Dodd. "New Arm, Same Spirit." People 23 Feb. 2004: 58+. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCOhost. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . Journal Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s). Name of Database. EBSCOhost. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Nelson, Roxanne. "Smoking Outside Still Causes Second-Hand Smoke Exposure to Children." Lancet 359 (2002): 1675. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Honolulu Community College Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . SIRS Knowledge Source  Magazine Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Date: Page(s). Name of Database. SIRS Knowledge Source. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Mason, Betsy. "Season of Fire." Discover Feb. 2003: 32-39. SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . Newspaper Author. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Date: Page(s). Name of Database. SIRS Knowledge Source. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Lowry, Brian and Rosie Mestel. "In Wired World TV Still Has Grip on Kids." Los Angeles Times 18 Sep. 2000: F1+. SIRS Renaissance. SIRS Knowledge Source. Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . CQ Researcher  Author. "Title of Report." The CQ Researcher Online Volume number. Issue number (Year). Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. Date of Access . Price, Tom. "Reforming Big-Time College Sports." The CQ Researcher Online 14.11 (2004). Honolulu Community Coll. Lib., HI. 8 May 2004 . WEB SITESComplete publication information may not be available for a Web site; provide what is given. Entire Internet Site: Scholarly Project or Professional Site [5.9.2] Title of the Site. Editor. Date and/or Version Number. Name of Sponsoring Institution. Date of Access . Encyclopedia Mythica. 2004. 13 May 2004 . Document from a Web Site [5.9.1] Author. "Title of Web Page." Title of the Site. Editor. Date and/or Version Number. Name of Sponsoring Institution. Date of Access . Sherman, Chris. "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL." SearchEngineWatch. Ed. Danny Sullivan. 24 Aug. 2004. 4 Sept. 2004 . ARTICLES IN ONLINE PERIODICALS [5.9.4] Author. "Title of Article." Title of Publication Date: Page(s) or Section(s), if numbered. Date of Access .Gima, Craig. "Whale's Body Found Near Hanalei Bay." Honolulu Star-Bulletin.com 6 July 2004. 4 Sept. 2004 . Gundy, Jess. "The Complexities of Use of Force." Law and Order Dec 2003. 13 May 2004 . MLA: Sample Works-Cited Page The citation examples provided in this tutorial are listed here as they would be on a works-cited page in a paper using MLA style. In MLA style, the works-cited page is double spaced, with the same spacing within and between citations. The title "Works Cited" indicates that the list you provide contains only the works you actually cite in your paper. If you wish to also include in your list works that you consult but do not cite, give your page the broader title "Works Consulted." Citations beginning with names and those beginning with titles are to be alphabetized together. Numbers in titles are treated as though they have been spelled out. For names, alphabetize based on the letters that come before the comma separating the last name from the first, and disregard any spaces or other punctuation in the last name. For titles, ignore articles such as "a" and "the" (and equivalents in other languages) for alphabetization purposes. Works Cited Alvarez, Gloria. "Teacher Recalls Land of Rising Sun; Audience Hears Tales of Japan." East New Orleans Picayune 14 Oct. 2001: 4. Print. Burgum, Edwin Berry, ed. The New Criticism: An Anthology of Modern Aesthetics and Literary Criticism. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1930. Print. Camus, Albert. The Stranger. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1946. Print. Cassatt, Mary. Mother and Child. Wichita Art Museum, Wichita. American Painting: 1560-1913. By John Pearce. New York: McGraw, 1964. Slide 22. Print. Day, Nancy, and Alec Foege. "Geisha Guy: Arthur Golden Isn't Japanese, and He Isn't a Woman. But He Does a Brilliant Impersonation in His Smash First Novel." People Weekly 23 Nov. 1998: 89. Print. Delaroche, Paul. Portrait of a Woman. 1829. European Drawings from the Collection of the Ackland Art Museum. By Carol C. Gillham and Carolyn H. Wood. Chapel Hill: The Museum, University of North Carolina, 2001. 93. Falk, Thomas H. "Herland." Masterplots II. Women's Literature Series. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 3. Pasadena: Salem, 1995. 1022-1030. Print. "Gardening Experts Give Insights on Plants that Grow Well Here." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 28 Apr. 2002. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 15 Oct. 2002. . Gigli. Screenplay by Martin Brest. Dir. Martin Brest. Perf. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, and Christopher Walken. Columbia, 2003. Film. Gill, Brendan. "B.C. to A.D." The New Yorker 58.13 (17 May 1982): 110-115. Print. Rpt. in "Athol Fugard." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jean C. Stine. Vol. 25. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. 173-178. Haas, Stephanie. "Introduction to Database Concepts and Applications." School of Information and Library Science. U. of NC at Chapel Hill, Jan.-May 2007. Web. 16 Apr. 2009. . Hirota, Akiko. "The Tale of Gengi: From Heian Classic to Heisei Comic." Journal of Popular Culture 31.2 (Fall 1997): 29-68. Print. Iko, Momoko. "Gold Watch." Unbroken Thread: An Anthology of Plays by Asian American Women. Ed. Roberta Uno. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. 105-154. Print. Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Remains of the Day. Boston: Faber, 1989. Print. Kincaid, Jason. "The Sorry State of Online Privacy." TechCrunch. N.p., 26 Apr. 2009. Web. 28 Apr. 2009. . John's First Birthday Party. Personal photography by Lisa Newman. May 22, 2009. Motley, Archibald John, Jr. Mending Socks. 1924. Oil on canvas. Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill, NC. ARTstor. 30 No. 2010, "Once a Jerk, Always a Jerk - and the Whole Town Loves Him." The Charlotte Observer 8 Oct. 2002: 10A. Print. Reider, Noriko T. "The Appeal of Kaidan Tales of the Strange." Asian Folklore Studies 59.2 (2000): 265-284. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Feb. 2002. . Willett, Perry, ed. Victorian Women Writers Project. Indiana U., Apr. 1997. Web. 16 Apr. 2009. . Windholz, Anne M. "An Emigrant and a Gentleman: Imperial Masculinity, British Magazines, and the Colony That Got Away." Victorian Studies 42.4 (1999/2000): 631-658. Project Muse. Web. 27 Feb. 2002. . 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