Hello my name is Mrs. Caractor! Welcome to my ESOL page! I service ESOL students in grades K-2. This is my twelfth year servicing students at Bayvale Elementary. We are a great school! I love my students and parents. I work with an awesome school community.

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Caractor
I enjoy molding children into successful learners. I find teaching extremely rewarding. Patience, perseverance, diligence and discernment have become my companions in the classroom to improve the service I provide for students. I have been teaching for twenty-two years. I have been teaching English Learners for seven years. English learners are students who speak English as a second language. My students and I work hard each day for each of them to become competent in standard-based curriculum emphasizing academic and social language development.
Tonya Caractor Email: caracto@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us Grade(s): K-2 Subject(s): ESOL