Welcome to WGES Student Council!
Inspiring Leadership for a Better School and Community!
Implement Active Ledership for 3rd – 5th Grade Students
"The overall goal of the student council is to represent each grade and the students as a whole and provide leadership for the student body. One of the most important duties of a student council member is to serve as an example for members of the student body. Wilkinson Gardens Student Council officers and members are required to be in good standing in their classes and they must strive to avoid behavioral issues."

- 2019-2020 Applications will be passed out starting Monday, August 12th. All applications due back to Ms. Lacy by Friday, August 16th.
Duties & Responsibilities
Responsible for representing the student body at all meetings. She helps develop the agenda for meetings and manages the meetings. She votes in case of a tie and must present a fine example for the council.
Vice President
Follows the duties of the president when the president is unable to fulfill her duties. She is more hands-on with planning and directing than the president.
Keeps track of the minutes and handles all communication between the council members.
Public Relations
Works closely with the secretary in noting all Student Council activities by means of record, photographs and videos. Public Relations representative will also work with Sponsor on updating Student Council webpage.