


    Greetings Wildcat Family, 



    With the start of the 2024-2025 school year, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that together we have navigated uncharted waters, overcome obstacles, and adapted to new ways of working. There are a number of initiatives currently taking place or will be new at Lucy C. Laney High School, and I look forward to those initiatives coming to a grand fruition this school year. I trust that each of you are excited about ramping up the educational expectations in order to aid students in academic success.


    As your Principal, I am committed to continuous building and igniting success this year! I remain courageously committed to the pursuit of excellence in education and educational leadership. Serving in this capacity, I will continue to direct challenging experiences, think critically, and build capacity to foster success of students, faculty, and staff.


    Remember, teamwork, quality instruction, and communication are key components for Lucy C. Laney High School’s success.


    As this year progresses, let us not grow weary of the work set before us, but remain fervent understanding that your building relational capacity could impact a child’s life!


    In an effort to keep students and parent/guardian(s) updated with important school-related information, I am encouraging parent/guardian(s) to join the school’s Remind 101. Text @lclps49 to 81010.

    If you have any questions and/or concerns, I ask that you please contact the school and one of our staff members will be glad to assist you. I look forward to working with you this school year as we collaborate daily to have great impact on each student.

    In closing, our theme/hashtag for this school year is W.I.N. #OneTeamAndWinninng. You may ask how we are going to #WIN…Work hard, Ignite Purpose, Never Stop.



    Wildcat Family Let’s WIN for the 2024 – 2025 SY!


    Best Regards,


    Dr. Cordaryl C. Middleton 


    Email: MiddlCo@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us

    Phone: 706.823.6900