During class time, students need a library pass in order to visit the library.
There is a limit of 1 student per teacher.
General visits will be 15–20 minutes.
Students or teachers will need to schedule times for specific support.
Student Expectations
Students are expected to show respect to all people and property within the library.
Students are expected to speak in a manner that is appropriate in the library.
Students are expected to help keep the library organized and neat.
Students will not bring food into the library.
Borrowing Books (Check-Out/Check-In)
Students may check out up to two books at a time.
Students must have their student ID card or agenda library card to check out any book.
Students must return all books within two weeks from the date the book was checked out.
If a book is needed for a longer check-out period, students may renew a book one time for another two-week period.
Overdue (Late) Books
If a book is kept past the initial two-week checkout period, it is overdue. Fines are 0.05¢ per school day.
A student with an overdue book will not be allowed to check out any more books until the book is returned. No exceptions.
Lost or Damaged Books
When a student loses a book, he/she will be charged the cost of replacing the book.
When a student destroys or damages a book, he/she must pay a fine. This fine will be equal to the cost of the book.
A student will not be allowed to check out any books until he/she pays the fine for a lost or damaged book.