With an emphasis on critical thinking and analysis, and empowering readers through an engaging approach of looking at classic and modern texts, students will discuss and write frequently. They will learn to question, analyze, and argue their thinking through varied reading and writing practices.
Floating Units will be integrated throughout the semester and will build on skills in primary units
➔ Unit 1: Central Ideas
➔ Unit 2:Development of Characters
➔ Unit 3: Author’s Choices ➔ Unit 4: Development of Ideas /POV
➔ Unit 5: Text Analysis
Floating Units
➔ Writing ➔ Poetry ➔ Vocabulary and Grammar ➔ Independent Reading
Materials Needed Daily
Chromebook with Charger
HMH Textbook
Contact Methods
Email: bradlja1@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us Phone: (706) 737- 7152
Join REMIND for weekly notifications! Send a text to: 81010 Text this message: @bradley9t
Absences, Late Work, Makeup Work
If you are absent from class, YOU are responsible for getting and making up any missing work Students have 5 days to submit late assignments with a mild penalty. After 5 days, students can submit late work for a maximum grade of 50%. Extensions will be given to students who contact me before an assignment is due to request one.
Procedure and Expectations
➔ Be prepared
Turn in assignments on time Check Canvas for daily tasks
➔ Participate in class daily
Work hard
Ask questions
Limit distractions
➔ Be respectful and understanding of classmates and me
Listen when others are speaking
Conduct yourself appropriately
If a student chooses not to meet these expectations, the following consequences will be followed:
Verbal Warning
Teacher Detention + Parent Contact
Administrative Referral