• Data-Based Decision Making (DBDM)​

    ​GaMTSS relies on academic, behavior, and wellbeing data to inform decision making. Effective DBDM begins with a system to gather the necessary data, such as screening, progress monitoring, implementation fidelity, and student outcomes. By analyzing meaningful data using a consistent problem-solving process, educators can accurately identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.


    GaMTSS encourages structured collaboration to support the whole child. When staff members work in teams to problem solve, rather than in isolation, they maximize time, resources, and expertise. 

    Multi-level Prevention

    1. Multi-level: GaMTSS includes three tiers. The purpose or intent of the tiers is not to categorize students; instead, it is a prevention model to establish a continuum of supports including high quality core instruction and evidence-based interventions. Tier 1 provides academic, behavior, and wellbeing support for 100% of students. Interventions and supports delivered in the Advanced Tiers are designed to meet the needs of about 20% of students through the implementation of targeted groups at Tier 2 and individualized student interventions at Tier 3.
    2. Prevention: GaMTSS is grounded in the premise that focusing on prevention is better than waiting and responding to problems as they arise. Decision guidelines support preventative decision making by helping educators determine the most efficient approach for addressing challenges. For example, a district or school may create a Tier 1 decision guideline stating 80% of students should be reading at grade level.
      1. If the aggregate results show only 65% are achieving this, the district or school should initiate problem-solving efforts focused on enhancing Tier 1 reading instruction to benefit all students.
      2. Conversely, if 90% of students are already reading at or above grade level, the district should invest in the development of targeted and individualized support for the remaining 10% who have not met the expectations.


    GaMTSS provides a guidance framework to districts and schools in creating comprehensive evaluation plans and sharing results with stakeholders. These plans measure the effectiveness of a tiered support system, aligned with district or school improvement goals. By closely monitoring implementation fidelity and student outcomes related to top priorities, decision making can be optimized. Furthermore, effective evaluation will help reduce overlapping initiatives and secure investment in strategies that yield positive results.


    While the implementation of GaMTSS primarily occurs at the school level, it is crucial to recognize a school's success is highly dependent upon the district involvement and leadership. Districts are responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure, such as data systems, assessment tools, early warning indicators, and problem-solving processes, as well as support mechanisms like professional development, coaching, barrier removal, policy, funding, and alignment for continuous improvement. Schools should build on the district infrastructure to develop and sustain GaMTSS.