Relearn/Reassess Plan
Relearn/Reassess Plan
As MINOR assignments are graded, the teacher will assess if reteaching is needed (more than 20% of students fail the assignment, not including incomplete tasks).
Reteaching will include, but not be limited to, one of the following:
- Flocabulary lessons
- Video lessons
- Textbook information
- Reteaching through teacher-led instruction
For individual students who fail or are missing a MINOR assignment, the following plan will be followed:
- Reminders of missing work (verbally, through Remind, or emails).
- Assignments in Canvas are open for a maximum of five days after the due date.
- Once assignments are closed, students are REQUIRED to come in for after-school tutoring in order to do the assignment. Schedule times through email, Canvas message, or Remind Message.
- Late work policy applies (see syllabus).
For individual students who fail or are missing a MAJOR assignment, the following plan will be followed:
- Must sign up for a time before or after school with Ms. Woo. Schedule times through email, Canvas message, or Remind Message.