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    Hello parents and students!


    My name is Dominique Bond, and I am the school counselor for 6th & 7th grade students. I have my master's degree in Social Work from The University of Alabama and a master's degree in School Counseling from Fort Valley University. My passion is helping students develop emotional and social skills to be successful inside and outside the classroom. I will provide short-term one-on-one counseling, small group sessions, and SEL classroom lessons. Students are referred by their parents/guardians, teachers, and principal. Students will have the option to request to speak with me if they desire. I will focus on various topics, such as conflict resolution, bullying, emotion regulation, mindfulness, stress management, etc. My role is to serve as an advocate and resource for my students. My goal is to collaborate with students, parents, and teachers to meet the needs of all my students.

    Email: bonddo@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us 

    Phone: (706)-796-4952 EXT 2707

    School Counselor Referral Form QR code

    Why Middle School Counselors?

    Middle school students are characterized by rapid physical growth, curiosity about their world, and an emerging self-identity. Middle school counselors have an impact on these years by implementing a school counseling program and collaborating with school staff, parents, and the community to create a safe, respectful learning environment whereby young adolescents can maximize personal and academic achievement. 




    Parent and Student Resources:

    RCBOE Wrap Around Supports Contact List




    Books for parents and students