• To keep track of your students' grades, it is important that you download Infinite Campus to your mobile device. Infinite campus will update in real time anytime your child’s teachers input a grade. All schools in Richmond County use this platform!! 
    • Now that your child has transitioned to MIDDLE SCHOOL, you will see a change in the way that communication is done. If you ever need to contact me, you can always email me at thornsh@richmond.k12.ga.us or to book a meeting using my QR code. As your child's teacher, it is very important that instructional time is not disturbed. Therefore, the only way to get a meeting with me will be through the QR code. If there is ever a conflict that arises, and I can’t attend the meeting, I will reach out to you to send you a new date and time. If it’s an emergency and the situation demands immediate attention, please contact the school at 706-823-6960. 
    • It is important that you keep an updated phone number and email address on file with the school and your child’s teacher. Often, we run into issues where parents have changed their phone numbers, and we are not able to contact the parent. All my emails will come from thornsh@richmond.k12.ga.us, please save in your favorites!!
    • Please have a conversation with your child about the importance of giving you any paperwork that the teacher gives them. It is my responsibility to give these documents to your child. It is your child’s responsibility to give you all the important documents.
    • On our school page located at /hornsbymiddleStaff & Departments Director. Under the (T) section you can locate me (Shanika Thornton), I will do my best to post any important updates for my class. 
    • As your Childs Math and Science teacher, during science we will be having projects and labs, both will REQUIRE, additional items that’s not on the school supply list that will impacts your child’s grades. 
    • 樱花动漫work: Your child will be using several platforms to complete assignments. Please adhere to my late policy. I am fair but firm!! 樱花动漫work isn’t optional!! 
    • Missing Work: It’s your child's responsibility to get their missing work and notes when absent. Attendance is very important. Please send all excuses when your child returns.
    • Lastly, I am here to help with this transition for you and your students in any way possible. Please feel free to be active in your child’s education. When students see that parents and teachers are in sync, they are more prone to be successful and following the rules.                                  
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