• Web Resources (Drug Research)

    The following websites are reliable, credible places to find information about the various factors surrounding drugs and substance abuse.  Click on any of these titles if you're having trouble finding specific information on your chosen topic!

    The Center for Disease Control (CDC, for short) is the United States' premiere institution for information about public health, including the effects of substance abuse.  As a government website, the information available here is reliable, current, and carefully moderated, and is well suited for use as a source in your project.

    A non-profit medical organization, Mayo Clinic maintains a vast library of information on various diseases, medicines, and controlled substances, and is considered both reliable and authoritative.  For this project, they can be a fantastic source for finding specifics about your drug, such as withdrawal symptoms, treatment, and brand names.

    Standing for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the link above contains a 2021 document from this government organization outlining the demographics associated with the use of various substances.