Library Resources (Drug Research)
The following sections contain books that will be useful for your Drug Research assignment. If you aren't sure where to begin, browsing these sections is a good place to start!
362.29 (Social Sciences: Societal Problems: Social Problems & Services: Mental Illness: Substance Abuse)
These books will focus on the social implications of drug addiction, such as public opinion, legal consequences, and treatment.
363.25 (Social Sciences: Societal Problems: Other Problems & Services: Police Services: Criminal Investigation: Forensics)
These books cover the field of Forensics more broadly, covering topics such as investigative techniques and established practices in Forensic Science.
363.45 (Social Sciences: Societal Problems: Other Problems & Services: Drugs, Abortion, & Pornography: Illegal Drugs)
These books focus more heavily on individual drugs, their street names, effects, and other general information.
613.8 (Technology: Medicine: Personal Health and Safety: Substance Abuse)
Books from this section will approach the topic from a medical perspective, examining symptoms and treatments for drug use.
615.9 (Technology: Medicine: Pharmacology: Toxicology & Poisons)
If your subject is not a traditional drug, but is instead a known poison or toxic chemical, it will most likely be found in this section.