• CCHS Digital Pathfinder

  • Accessing GALILEO

    The easiest way to find online articles, ebooks, and journals for your projects is to use GALILEO- Georgia's free online database for students.  GALILEO can be accessed , or through Launchpad by clicking on the following app:


    The current password to access Galileo is: cricket

    Using a Database:

    boolean search

    On opening a database, select "advanced search" to bring up the menu pictured above.  This is called a boolean search, and will allow you to set relationships between search terms.  Enter in the keywords you would like to search, then set the boolean variables.  AND will search for all specified terms.  OR will search for either of the terms.  NOT will exclude any selected terms from the final result.


    Filled search

    When performing the search above, I would find articles that mention both "climate change" AND "sea level rise," and also do NOT mention "Europe" within the text.  This can be a useful way to narrow down your results to just the articles that will be relevant to your research.