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    The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice K-12 assessment that measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal questions. The school’s gifted programs commonly administer the CogAT as an entrance exam, which is a group-administered aptitude test.


    The CogAT is used as a universal screening tool to identify potential gifted students across all grade levels. By administering the CogAT test to all students, schools can ensure that they are not overlooking any students with exceptional cognitive abilities, regardless of their background or previous academic performance.


    Unlike achievement tests such as the SATs, the CogATs do not measure how much a student has learned, but focuses instead on a student’s ability to display cognitive abilities that research have associated with academic success. These abilities include reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative and spatial (non-verbal) methods to find the answers.


    Who takes it? 

    2nd Graders


    When/How frequently is it taken?

    Once a year - February


    How is the test administered?

    Online administration 


    For more information on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) click .