Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School
Broadcast Video Production Applications - Course Syllabus
Ms. Goodwin
Course Description:
Broadcast Video Production Applications is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor, as well as provide opportunities for students to master skills necessary to gain entry level employment or to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate. Students work cooperatively and independently in all phases of production. Topics include advanced camera techniques, audio production, scriptwriting, producing, directing, editing, employability skills, and development of a digital portfolio to include resume’, references, and production samples.
Course Format:
This pathway course is a blended class, combining classroom instruction with online learning. Online learning will be delivered on Canvas. Both in class and home assignments are posted on Canvas. The class meets 2-3 times a week.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
- Students will demonstrate a mastery proficiency level of production equipment used in broadcasting and video production in various workplace settings.
- Students will produce a variety of programming that emulates professional productions.
- Students will produce samples to enhance or replace existing portfolio artifacts.
Grading: Please refer to the school wide grading policy action plan.
Methods of Assessment
Methods will vary depending on the learning outcome(s) to be measured. A rubric will be provided for most assignments.
Available on Tuesday afternoons from 3:15PM until 5:00PM (Pick-up Time), by request only.
Student Absence Policy
Students have five days after they return to make up any missed assignments or tests. After the fifth day, any assignments not submitted will be marked as missing. Students are responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments that were given during an absence. All assignments will be posted on Canvas.
Late Policy:
Students are expected to submit assignments on time. Multiple incidents of late work may result in teacher-student-parent conferences to examine and correct the student’s work habits through an academic contract. Students in grades 6-12 may have their scores reduced by 5% per school day for a 25% maximum reduction. Late work submitted after the fifth school day will only be accepted at the teacher’s discretion. Completing work in a timely manner during the learning unit is essential for academic success. (Richmond County IHA-R Grading Practices for 24-25)
Cell Policy
Cell phone use is prohibited in school. Cellphones, air pods, and smartwatches must remain off and completely out of view.
Academic Honesty Statement
Honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process. Students are expected to be always honest and ethical in their pursuit of academic goals. Any student found in violation of the policy will ask to redo assignments.
Course Resources/Links available on Canvas
Students are not allowed to post their work on any websites without written permission. Students who post any footage that is recorded or edited in class without written permission, may automatically fail this course.
Students can only use school-appropriate elements (topics, shots, music and etc.). Questionable material MUST be pre-approved. No nudity, offensive phrases and/or language (as deemed by instructors) will be videotaped or recorded using school equipment or materials. Extreme violence (simulated or real) involving weapons or firearms of any type (fake or real) cannot be videotaped or recorded on school grounds.
Video and Photography Release Statement
Students in this class will be recorded on video and photographed. Enrollment in this class constitutes the consent of all enrolled students and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children enrolled, to the future broadcast, publication or other use of videos or photographs at the sole discretion of the teacher and school administrators.Required Daily Supplies:
- Pencil or Pen
- Loose-Leaf Paper
- School-Issued Technology (With Power Cable)
- Corded Over-ear Headphones
Suggested Daily Supplies:
- SD Card
- Flash Drive
Classroom Expectations:
- Be prepared for class daily.
- Be on time to class. Students will be marked tardy if late.
- Bookbags are to be stored beneath computer tables.
- Sit up and face forward in desk.
- Stay seated during instructional period.
- Use restroom during transition to class.
- No cellphone or headphone use.
- No pictures or videos are to be taken of students in classroom unless it is an approved project.
- No food, drinks, or gum. Clear water only.
- There will be zero-tolerance for foul language in the classroom.
- Students are expected to use proper etiquette when communicating with teachers and classmates online.
Classroom Goals:
- Respect Ourselves
- Respect Others
- 100% Participation
- Collaboration
- Effort – All students must TRY.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:
1st Offense – Students may receive a warning.
2nd Offense – Parent of Guardian will be contacted, and student may receive lunch detention.
3rd Offense – Office Referral
Subject to Change Disclaimer
The policies and regulations herein, are necessarily subject to change without notice at any time at the discretion of the teacher and administration.