• Course Description: The 7th grade Language Arts class will consist of reading, writing, listening and speaking. These components are important skill sets students need to be successful in learning all other subjects’ and throughout life. Students will develop reading fluency and comprehension skills necessary to cite textual evidence, increase vocabulary and determine word meaning. Grammatically, students will review basic grammar and sentence structure in order to produce effective written compositions. Written text will be primarily narrative and argumentative in the form of five paragraph essays, with some narratives, journaling and book reviews.


    Instructional Philosophy: In order to help students, reach their full potential, the classroom environment has to be safe, respectful, and a place where everyone is valued. Classes will include instruction through whole group, partnering and various grouping methods. Instruction will be differentiated to accommodate each student’s learning style.


    Major Course Goals: The major purpose of 7th grade Language Arts is to prepare students with the skills necessary for the next level of education and towards becoming a productive member of society.


    Major Course Projects & Instructional Activities: Students will receive reading intervention during Language Arts classes weekly to help strengthen reading and comprehension skills. During each nine-weeks, students will be required to read one novel, several compositions from textbook, library books (of their choosing), newspapers and magazines. Students will also be required to demonstrate understanding of text read through projects chosen from a choice board. 

    Course Assessment Plan: All students will take a pre and posttest for each grading period. In addition, students will participate in I-Ready diagnostics, Reading Inventory and weekly programmed reading tutorials. Daily class assignments, interactive notebook, weekly quizzes and tests will be utilized to assess and monitor students’ progress in meeting requirements of the Language Arts standards.

    Classroom Expectations: In order to help students, reach their full potential, there are several expectations established for this class.

    1. Be prepared daily (study, homework and all necessary supplies).
    2. Respect themselves, peers, and our learning environment at all times.
    3. Stay on TASK
    4. Communicate appropriately at all times


    • Pencils
    • One jump drive
    • Colored pencils
    • Highlighters



    Supplies and Materials:


    • Composition Notebook
    • Loose leaf notebook paper (wide or college rule)
    • Pens (black or blue)


    Grading Policy:

    Minor Grades = 60% Examples include quizzes, labs, and other graded assignments to assess certain standards in a unit of study. Minimum number of minor grades per 6-week progress report period = 5 


    Major Grades = 40% Examples include unit tests, essays, research papers, project-based assignments, and other culminating assessments to measure mastery of standards that comprise a unit of study


    *If you have the signed syllabus at the end of both semesters, as an incentive I will give two 100’s as a major grade.


    Link: Syllabus