Records for Grade 5
Mrs. Hooper and Ms. Wong will assist the registrar, Ms.Bostic, in the following ways:
- We assist with transferring grade 5 records to middle schools (keep in mind, your child's new school must have a login to the SCRIB ORDER system to request records). Keep in mind, records cannot be requested by phone or email; they also cannot be sent from our school to an email.
- We assist with school enrollment from her return date in July until about the 2nd week of school--please email if questions or
- The counselors work with teachers during the year to ensure records are complete. We send letters, emails, and phone calls to the parent/s when there is something still needed for your child's record.
- Remember that BOE of Richmond County prefers that all paperwork is complete within the first 30 days of enrollment. That means if you receive a reminder letter in January, for example, your document/s are considered late and could interrupt your child's enrollment status.. Please email, text, or call the school if you have questions.