Students who are inquirers develop their natural curiosity. The demonstrate independence in learning through inquiry and research. They enjoy learning new things.
How can parents help develop inquirers?
- Become and inquirer yourself. Show your student that it is okay to not know the answer and model how to figure out answers to questions you have. Seek out answers in front of your student.
- Provide time for your student to explore learning and find out answers on their own.
- Encourage your student’s interests by visiting a local library. Borrow books to help them explore topics.
- Learn how to use the internet for research safely and appropriately to find accurate information.
- Ask students to identify what is difficult about a task or situation and brainstorm ways to fix it.
The See-Think-Wonder thinking routine is often used in classrooms to introduce students to new topics by having them make careful observations. It helps start the inquiry into a lesson. You can use it at home as well. Begin with a photograph, or even a book cover. As your student:
What do you see? – Have them make observations on what they notice about the image.
What do you think? – Have your students make connections to the image. What do they think the image is? What do they think is going on?
What do you Wonder? – Have your students come up with a question or two on what they would like to know about the image.