Copeland IB PYP Policies


    Copeland Elementary is a Candidate School* for the Primary Years Program (PYP) This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Copeland Elementary believes is important for our students.

    *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP).  Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit 

    Mission: The mission of Copeland Elementary is to provide globally diverse, rigorous, and relevant instruction to prepare…







    Accountable &



    In collaboration with the Wildcat community. 


    Vision: Copeland Elementary will provide a well-balanced curriculum through the use of innovative teaching strategies and technology to meet the varied needs of students.

  • Inclusion Policy

    Copeland Elementary International Baccalaureate Candidate school for the PYP (Primary Years Program) believe in the importance of developing culturally aware, well rounded, balanced global citizens who are able to balance their intellectual, emotional and social development. As a public school in Augusta, Georgia, we accept all students regardless of their race, sex, gender, or exceptionality in an inclusive environment. We believe in fostering a school community and learning environment that is inclusive and promotes a deeper understanding of different perspectives that will enhance creativity, innovation and progression. We acknowledge that students come with a variety of academic and physical needs. By recognizing the diversity of our collective learning community, we support the development of internationally minded people.

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  • Technology Policy

    At Copeland Elementary School, we believe technology has a role in helping students, parents and teachers achieve their goals. Technology should be used as a learning tool to enhance instruction, engage students and connect parents and stakeholders. Technology, when used properly to enhance and promote student learning, is a transformative tool. Technology is not a single taught subject but is embedded throughout the entire curriculum in multiple facets.

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  • Language Policy

    At Copeland Elementary School, we believe that language is at the forefront of all student learning. This includes the ability to communicate through speaking, reading, writing, drawing, etc. This also includes subject specific language relevant to math, science, languages and the arts. Language connects all of our curricular elements and supports the mission of our school. We believe that literacy instruction should connect our units of inquiry and our students to the world, thus building life-long readers and writers. Teachers provide students with various opportunities to use language including, but not limited to, debate, role-play, art, writing, reading, reflection. Copeland teachers recognize and support the development of language in all students by ensuring that language is integrated across all subjects through meaningful and relevant context.

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  • Assessment Policy

    Our shared philosophy at Copeland Elementary is the development of the whole child through inquiry-based instruction which embodies differentiation and global mindedness all through student driven curiosity. We believe the purpose of assessment is to communicate to students and their parents/guardians, areas of strength and needed growth. Through the use of various types of assessment, students and parents/guardians gain information concerning their child’s progress in relation to grade level and state norms. Teachers structure regular assessments to gather information needed to adjust instruction as it relates to student success and content mastery. Copeland’s focus includes ongoing formative assessment with summative assessment tasks at the end of a unit of inquiry. Differentiated assessment is provided to accommodate student’s various learning styles and modalities. Copeland believes that assessment is a critical piece of information necessary for communicating progress to students. We believe in both data driven and concept driven assessment strategies balancing both teacher-designed assessments with benchmark and standardized testing.

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  • Child Protection Policy

    It is our belief that it is the school’s responsibility to promote and protect the welfare of all children in our learning environment. Representatives of the school’s community and stakeholders will be involved in policy development and review. Policies will be reviewed annually unless an extenuating circumstance requires policy be reviewed sooner. We recognize our moral and statutory obligation to safeguard the welfare of all children. We will provide a safe and welcoming environment for children in which they feel respected, valued and safe to learn.  Will be vigilant and alert to the signs of abuse or neglect. We will follow the procedures outlined by the State of Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators, Richmond County Board of Education and Copeland’s Child Protection policy to ensure all students receive effective support and protection. The procedures outlined in this policy apply to all faculty and staff at Copeland Elementary School.

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  • Admissions Policy

    Copeland Elementary School is a Title One Public School.

    Copeland Elementary is located in Augusta, Georgia. Our doors opened in September 1959 to serve the students in this diverse community. Today our school serves approximately 575 students in grades Pre-K through 5. 

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  • Academic Honesty Policy

    At Copeland Elementary School we believe that modeling and practicing academic honesty is a necessary component to the development of honesty, integrity and responsibility within our students. Practicing and teaching honesty is essential for academic success. The Academic Honesty policy is framed by the IB Learner Profiles with an emphasis on being principled, honest and acting with integrity.

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