
  • Cognia (formerly AdvancED/SACS) is the world's largest accrediting agency.  Cognia "provides trusted expertise and actionable ideas to move the needle on school and system quality."  Accreditation is based on rigorous research-based standards that have to be proven through clear evidence and artifacts, but more than that, it focuses on a continuous improvement process which spotlights meeting the needs of the learners.


Results of 2024 Engagement Review

  • Cognia assigns an Index of Educational Quality™ (IEQ™) score based on a system's continuous improvement efforts. 


     "An IEQ score above 300 indicates the institution meets Cognia's expectations for accreditation that include one or mor Areas of Improvement and may include one or more Noteworthy Practices."                                               

                                                    Richmond County’s Institution IEQ Score:              317

                                                    National Average IEQ Score:                                     253

     Special Points of Interest:

    • Our school system's IEQ score surpasses the national average by 64 points.
    • Accreditation is now a 6-year cycle.
    • Cognia will conduct a check-in after 3 years to assess our progress in the continuous improvement cycle.
    • Our school system achieved a perfect score in several categories, reflecting the exceptional work being done in our schools.



Engagement Review

  • The purpose of the Cognia Engagement Review is to:


    •Provide feedback to the school system concerning next steps in the improvement journey.
    •Determine to what degree the school system meets the Cognia Performance Standards.


    The main outcome of the Cognia Engagement Review is:


    •A report that presents findings about the institution related to the Standards and other measures along with suggestions for next steps in the system’s improvement journey.
    •Recognition as an accredited system.

Preparation for Upcoming Engagement Review

  • The Engagement Review for the Richmond County School System occurred in 2024. Below is the timeline followed:

    Cognia timeline

    The next Engagement Review will take place in 2030.