Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Jennifer Fuller
About Me:
I have been teaching for 24 years, 14 of them at Davidson, and have taught grades 6 - 12 math classes. My degrees are from Berry College (Bachelors in Education), Augusta University (Masters in Curriculum & Instruction), and Valdosta State University (Specialist in Educational Technology).
Courses & Clubs:
*Geometry (Honors & Honors Gifted)
*8th Grade Math (Honors & Honors Gifted)
*High School Math Club (must be an active member to join Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society)
Tuesdays 7:45 - 8:15 (must get a pass ahead of time)
Thursdays 3:30 - 4:00
Contact Info: fulleje@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us (students -- please contact me on canvas messaging!)