

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Majors

I have been teaching for over ten years, eight of which have been at Pine Hill. Eight of those years I spent teaching Social Studies at the 6th and 7th grade levels. This upcomming 2020-2021 school year will mark my ninth year of being a proud Panther! I am highly qualified to teach your student and have an undergraduate degree in Pediatric Psychology, a Master's of Arts in Teaching, and am currently working on my Specialist degree in Curriculum and Design. Some of my accomplishments while at Pine Hill include being identified by Richmond County as a "Model Teacher" in the area of Social Studies, awarded the Golden Apple for Teaching Excellence, and served as Teacher of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year. I am the founder and Senior Editor of the Panther's Eye the only middle school newspaper within a five county radious. If you are interest in seeing our student paper please visit our school website and look under the News and Events tab. I have also served as a PHMS cheerleading coach for five years and also host currently host the PHMS Bible Study club. If you are interested in joining the student newspaper or participating in the PHMS Bible Study please contact me about it through email or Remind.

Want to know a little bit more about me? Here are a few of my favorite things. I look forward to getting to know all my students and discovering what their favorite things are as well!




Learn a little more about Mrs. Majors and her class by clicking on the following link to view a welcome video: