

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Sharhonda L. Davis

I am a very passionate educator driven by love as the guiding force for my dedication and support of teaching and learning.  Amongst my most important characteristics is patience, for I understand the philosophy of effort as it applies to initiative, determination, and commitment.  Patience is a key component of support. 


I am a product of Richmond County Schools, a graduate of Westside High School and Augusta College, now referred to as Augusta University.  I later obtained several advanced degrees: Masters, Specialist, and currently all but dissertation (ABD) in pursuit of an Ed. D.   A mother of two biologically, yet I have and will continue to parent many in my many roles as an educator, for the "Village Concept" reigns supreme.  I've mentored, tutored, coached and taught prior to transitioning to the role of Instructional Coach in 2015 at Bayvale Elementary School. 


This new role has extended a wealth of opportunities to enhance my knowledge, skills and experiences aligned to efforts toward school improvement.   In my role, I am afforded many opportunities to share knowledge and expertise through ongoing professional learning designed to foster consistent, systematic, and effective teacher performance through the implementation of evidence-based practices that yields student success.  Assessment is a key component for obtaining data to develop and implement action plans, strategies, and goals to improve the school.  I understand that assessment drives instruction.  The expectation is to model this understanding and align practices to performance standards at or above the proficient level with a primary focus on supporting, facilitating and promoting successful standards based instruction as measured by Teacher Keys Effectiveness System otherwise referenced as TKES. This process involves the gathering, analyzing, and monitoring of data and the data collection process aligned to a cycle of inquiry that informs instructional practices, a catalyst for my chief means of support of the teachers and students I serve.  


My experiences include being an active member of The 2009 and 2012 Superintendent's Advisory Panels, The Village Summit (21st CCLC), a close collaborative partnership with a former Language and Literacy Specialist under the umbrella of the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s (GOSA), a Reading Mentors Program, K-5 STEM Education Leader, New Leaders, The Eagle Cluster (Focused Vocablary Strategies across a Feeder System), and now Growing Readers, a joint effort of CSRA Resa and GOSA to grow proficiency across all reading domains to include engagement.  


I am very passionate about the discourse of instructional planning and delivery.  My roots are in special education where I spent my first nine years as a teacher.  I continually served as a role model among my colleagues.  It was those years that helped me to form a true philosophy as I continue to maintain the mindset that everyone has a special need that I must cater to.  In this belief, a voice whispers a reminder that teachers too have special needs.  As a leader of teachers, I prioritize in the same manner that I did when I taught elementary aged students.


I believe that all teachers deserve to be exposed to leadership that utilizes best practices to build teacher capacity.  I also believe that understanding how to implement evidence-based practice is a precursor to both the recruitment and development of teachers that employ statutes of rigor and relevance to pedagogical practices on a continuum.  


As an Academic Instructional Coach, I:

  • Understand the importance of cultural diversity and EL Learners
  • Understand the importance of meeting the individual needs of students with disabilities
  • Understand the reciprocal concepts of supporting teaching and learning particularly as they apply to relationship building, evidence-based instructional practices and corretive instruction
  • Understand the collaborative inquiry, shared responsibilities, and knowledge required to devise Individualized Education Plans that reflect goals and objectives relative to the individual needs of learners
  • Understand the Response to Intervention Process i.e., tiered intervention system designed to provide strategic approaches and/or timely and relevant approaches to meet or exceed curriculum standards fueled by data


I have also gained insightful knowledge and experiences that will continue to both inspire and enable me to meet the differentiated needs of the students, teachers, administrators, and families that I serve.  Reflection is the how I end each day so that I begin each day afresh and anew.  Most importantly, I believe that learning involves constructing individual meanings about the world, as we interpret our experiences in particular situations on a day-to-day basis.  As leaders, we act toward things on the basis of what meanings we place upon them, and such meanings are derived and interpreted through our interactions (direct and indirect) with others and our environment.  I believe in collaboration as communication is a key factor to learning. Though documentation rules a nation, so does communication and all key stakeholders have a right to remain informed.


Your loving Coach,


Sharhonda L. Davis