2024-2025 School Year
Course Title: World History
Instructor: Mr. Bartlett Room: 806
Email: bartlda@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Materials provided by Academy of Richmond County:
Text: World History
Materials provided by the student:
A notebook (any kind will do), loose leaf paper, pens, pencils
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide a strong academic background for motivated, responsible students who are reading and writing on or above grade level. The course centers on a study of United States History, beginning with the formation of European colonies and continuing up to the presidency of Barak Obama. We will examine the people, places, and events that made this country what it is today. Vocabulary study is mandatory.
Course Outline
1st Semester
Unit 1: Connecting Themes
Unit 2: Ancient Civilizations
Unit 3: Classical Mediterranean Societies & Empires
Unit 4: African & Middle Eastern Middle Ages & Islamic Empires
Unit 5: European & Asian Middle Ages, Renaissance, & Reformation
Unit 6: The Americas & the Age of Exploration
Unit 7: The Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, & Age of Revolution
Unit 8: Industrialization, Urbanization, Nationalism, & Imperialism
Unit 9: World War I, Interwar Period, & World War II
Unit 10: Cold War, World Since the 1960s, & Globalization
Makeup Work
Making arrangements for completing makeup work is the responsibility of the student. You have five (5) business days to hand me any past due work. For each day that I do not receive your work, I take 5 points off the grade. After the five days, I will not accept the past due assignment and you will have to accept a failing grade. All makeup work will be completed and turned in before or after school OR during class, but never during homeroom or while the student is supposed to be in another teacher’s class. THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT WORK. IF YOU SIT IN MY CLASS AND DO NOTHING, DO NOT COME TO ME AT THE END OF THE GRADING PERIOD HOPING YOUR GRADE WILL MAGICALLY GO UP. THAT IS NOT HAPPENING.
Discipline Policy
The discipline policy of the Richmond County School System will be adhered to. The first violation will be recorded and the student will be advised on how to correct the situation. The second offense will be documented and a parent or guardian will be contacted. The third violation will be referred to an administrator. IF YOU ACT LIKE A DONKEY AND DISRUPT MY CLASS, YOU WILL BE ESCORTED OUT AND WE WILL ESCALATE STRAIGHT TO WRITE UP AND PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.
Methods of Evaluation/Distribution of Grades
Students will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate the skills necessary to successfully master the objectives of the course. Assignments include but are not limited to: homework, quizzes, major tests and projects, notebook checks, etc.
Grades in my class are weighed in the following manner:
MAJOR (Tests, Projects, Essays, Papers) 40%
MINOR (Classwork, Quizzes) 60%
There is an EOCT for this course. This means that at the end of the school year, there will be a PROJECT rather than an end of semester exam. Students who have a final average of 90 or better at the end of the year may exempt the project. NO, I WILL NOT bump an 89 up to a 90, as I have most likely already rounded you up to an 89.
TUTORING: If any of you are having difficulties with course material, I am available for tutoring after school Monday-Thursday. I need advance notice if you need tutoring, as I have afternoon parking lot duty and will need to make arrangements to not be out there if you need tutoring.
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Current Assignments
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Past Due Assignments
There are no past due assignments.