About this Course
Biology is an in-depth, year- long course in biological principles that influence the lives of all living organisms. This course is a laboratory course that will teach lab safety, microscope use, and other lab principles in addition to teaching state-prescribed standards. This is a required course that must be passed in order to meet graduation requirements.
Success in this course is directly related to the amount of time and energy you put into it. Here are some hints to help you:
- Utilize Canvas for instructions and assignments.
- Prepare nightly by reading posted material and answering assigned questions. Having to complete this nightly work in class will put you far behind.
- Come to class daily and on time.
- Participate actively and ask questions as soon as you need help.
- Keep up with your work.
- Be open to a variety of learning styles and activities.
- Be willing to receive help from your peers, and to help others.
- Be willing to think outside the box.
- Acknowledge when you need extra help.
- Turn in ALL assignments on time,
- Use your time wisely.
And lastly, NEVER be afraid to ask questions.
Major Course Goals: The major goal of this course is mastery of the GSE standards prescribed by the state for the following:
Major Concepts/Skills:
Classification to the Six Kingdom Level
Matter-Energy Relationships
Cellular Function and Structure
Plant/Animal Characteristics
Genes and Successive Generations
Biological Evolution
Concepts/Skills to Maintain:
Characteristics of Science
Records investigations clearly
Uses scientific tools
Interprets graphs, tables and charts
Writes clearly
Uses proper units
Organizes data into graphs, tables, & charts
Analyzes scientific data via calculations
Uses models
Asks quality questions
Uses technology
Uses safety techniques
Recognizes the importance of explaining data with precision and accuracy