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  • Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!! 


    As we navigate new territory this year, please be patient with us as we work TOGETHER so ensure your students recieve the education they deserve.  


    Gifted students that were set to be tested in the Spring of 2020, I called each one of you and either spoke with you or left a message.  We are not sure how testing will look in the Fall, but we will be in communication with you as things unfold.  Thanks for your patience as we navigate this together. 

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  • Hey everyone and welcome back as we navigate TOGETHER, the beginning of a great school year.  

    Gifted information will be available as we continue to work together.

    In regard to gifted testing, I contacted all parents to let you know that we are still unsure how gifted testing will look for this upcoming fall and as we have information, it will be distributed. 

    Stay tuned..... stay safe..... and stay well. :) 

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