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Reading Websites for Kids



    ·         Tween Tribune by Smithsonian

    Lots of non-fiction articles on this site and you can level it by Lexile (reading) level. Grades K-12

    ·         Story Place

    Read-along site for younger kids with activities and free story videos. There are animated videos of stories and sing-a-long songs. PreK-Grade 1

    ·         Storyline Online

    Storyline Online has books on video and lessons aimed at strengthening comprehension and verbal and written skills for English-language learners. 

    ·         Roy: Tale of a Singing Zebra

    Guided reading and other reading games for emerging readers. PreK-Grade 1

    ·         ReadWriteThink

    readwritethink has activities, games, tips, recommendations, and more for literacy. Free Parent & Teacher Resources, grades K-12

    ·         ReadWorks

    Literacy lessons that include comprehension and short passages to analyze. Grades K-12

    ·         Read Theory 

    Read Theory offers online reading activities for all ages and ability levels. The program adapts to students’ individual ability levels and presents them with thousands of skill-building exercises that suit their needs. Free Sign up, Grades K-12

    ·         Reading Bear

    Reading Bear teaches beginning readers vocabulary and concepts while systematically introducing all the main phonetic patterns of written English. PreK-Grade 1

    ·         Oxford Owl-Reading

    Phonics practice, spelling, and free eBooks. Free, 3-11 years

    ·         Into the Book

    Into the Book is a reading comprehension site that focuses on reading strategies teachers work on every day. Get practice using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating and synthesizing. Grades K-6

    ·         Inkless Tales

    Stories, poems, games, and more. K-Grade 5

    ·         Free Rice (Vocabulary Practice)

    This addictive site tests kids (and you!) on your vocabulary knowledge. They also donate free rice to third world countries! Grades 2-12

    ·         Biblionasium

    Site for reviewing and sharing books makes reading a social adventure. Grades 2-8 (must sign up for free membership)

    ·         Between the Lions

    PBS reading website with read-along folktales and fables, clever song videos of letter sounds, and many more stories to capture kids’ attention.K-1


    ·         Fun For the Brain:

    A set of interactive games which can be used on the SmartBoard or learning center. From the website: ―Learn and review English grammar and early reading skills with these games.‖

    ·         Dogo News:

    Kids‘ news articles & current events. ―Fodder for young minds‖

    ·         BBC’s Bitesize Games:

    From the BBC, this site provides a number of interactive game options including rhyming words, phonics, ABC order, pronouns, punctuation, and more. Note: audio has British accent.

    ·         Alphabetical Order:

    Great game for the SmartBoard in which students can move the words around to put them in ABC order.

    ·         ABCya!

    Arranged by grade level, this site contains a great set of computer based activities for grades K-5 th. K & 1st grade have oral direction options. Holiday-oriented choices are included in each grade level.


    ·         Reading Bear

    phonics & vocabulary practice

    ·         Fast Phonics


    • Sight Word Smash


    • Reading Street