Phone: (706)868-4030 Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00PM


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in History w/ minor in Psychology- Southern Illinois University- Carbondale 2004 Master of Arts in Teaching- History Education Augusta University- 2018

Mr. John Minton

Originally from southern Illinois, Mr. Minton has lived a country life. Growing up on a 50 acre cattle farm and working jobs from Certified Nurse Assistant, Quality Control/ Receiving Inspection at an auto parts plant, and working in all kinds of elements and conditions in an industrial machine scrapyard, Mr. Minton has finally accomplished his dream of becoming a history teacher. Graduated in 2004 at Southern Illinois University- Carbondale with a Bachelor's Degree in History and Augusta University in 2018 with a Master of Arts in Teaching- History Education. Mr. Minton taught for 5 years at Glenn Hills High School teaching US History, AP US History, and World History. The 2022- 2023 school year is his first year at Westside High School.  Mr. Minton has travelled extensively in the United States and around the world. His specialization in his undergraduate years was Ancient History, Byzantine Empire, and US History. His enthusiasm for history is evident daily, all you have to do is ask a history question. 

Hobbies for Mr. Minton are  Archaeology, Anthropology, Geology, Turkish Language and Culture, Archery, Hunting. Fishing, Travelling the World, Cooking all kinds of food (especially BBQ).