DFA Choral Booster

DFA Choral Booster Club

  • Click on the link for the Booster Club Application Form.  Return filled out and check made out to the DFA Choral Booster Club.


    Booster Club Application


    Reasons to join:


    The booster club supports the choral department at DFA.  With your monetary support and volunteering efforts, the choral deparment remains an award winning program.


    The booster club provides bus transportation to select events, snacks and water for students on field trips and monetary supplement to increase the music library due to unforseen budget cutbacks.


    It is a way to give back to your community.


    Come join us!


    p.s.  If you know you cannot offer your physical self for chaperoning, etc....you can make $50 donation and be placed on a "No Call" list.  :)